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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell > Travels > 2003 

Travel to Switzerland, Kuwait, and Iraq

September 12, 2003 to September 16, 2003

  Travels With
  Secretary of State
  Colin L. Powell

   Picture of Secretary of State Colin Powell   


Secretary Powell traveled to Geneva, Switzerland for meetings with the permanent five members of the Security Council and the Secretary General. The Secretary General wanted to get the group together for an informal discussion of Iraq. The meeting reviewed the current situation; considered options for the future, including on the security situation, the political transition, and economic recovery in Iraq; and examined the implications for the role of the United Nations.

The Secretary also visited Kuwait and IraqIn Kuwait, he conferred with top leaders on the situation in the region and our joint efforts to build stability. In Iraq, he met with Iraqis and with members of the Coalition Provisional Authority in order to see first hand the progress being made by the international community and by the Iraqi people in rebuilding their nation and society after 30 years of Saddam Hussein’s destructive rule.

Remarks by Secretary Powell
09/15/2003: Press Briefing at the Kuwait International Airport
09/15/2003: Remarks with Kuwait Foreign Minister Al-Sabah
09/15/2003: Remarks at Stakeout After His Visit to the Halabja Memorial Museum
: Remarks at Halabja Mass Grave Site Ceremony
09/14/2003: Press Availability with Coalition Provisional Authority Administrator Bremer
09/14/2003: Remarks with Iraqi Interim Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zubari

09/14/2003: Interview on CNN Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer
09/14/2003: Interview on Fox News Sunday With Tony Snow
09/13/2003: Joint Press Briefing with the P5 Foreign Ministers and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
09/13/2003: Briefing in Geneva
09/12/2003: Briefing en route Geneva
09/11/2003: Interview on ARD With Tom Buhrow
09/11/2003: Interview on TV2 With Alain de Chalvron

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