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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell > Travels > 2003 

Travel to Europe

April 1, 2003 to April 3, 2003

  Travels With
  Secretary of State
  Colin L. Powell

   Picture of Secretary of State Colin Powell   


Secretary Powell traveled to Ankara, Turkey;  Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro; and Brussels, Belguim departing from Washington on Tuesday, April 1 and returning on Thursday, April 3.

In Ankara, Secretary Powell met with Turkish authorities to strengthen our relationship with this close NATO ally. He also discussed our continuing cooperation in the war in Iraq as well as post-conflict issues, the Global War on Terrorism, Cyprus, and a variety of mutual concerns.

While in Serbia and Montenegro, the Secretary discussed local and regional issues with the President of Serbia and Montenegro, Svetozar Marovic; the new Prime Minister of Serbia, Zoran Zivkovic; and other officials. He also called on the widow of slain Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic to express his condolences.

The Secretary’s visit was an opportunity to underscore our strong commitments to Serbia and Montenegro’s fight against the nexus of organized crime, war criminals and political extremism; its efforts to overcome obstacles to integration with Euro-Atlantic institutions; and the region’s long-term stability and economic growth.

In Brussels, the Secretary consulted with members of the European Union and NATO, and conducted a number of bilateral meetings. Discussions in Brussels also focused on the war in Iraq and on a broad range of post-conflict issues. [photos]

Remarks by Secretary Powell
04/03/2003: Press Conference at NATO Headquarters
04/03/2003: Interview on ZDF-TV of Germany
04/03/2003: Interview by European Editors
04/02/2003: Interview by Turkish TV
04/02/2003: Press Conference With Serbian Prime Minister Zivcovik
04/02/2003: Press Conference With Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul
04/01/2003: Press Briefing En Route Ankara, Turkey

Other Release
04/03/2003: Background Briefing on Secretary Powell's Meetings With NATO Officials

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