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NWS Spaceflight Meteorology Group

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SMG Strategic Goals

  • Maintain and improve the quality, accuracy, consistency, and timeliness of weather support for human space flight and exploration.
  • Ensure SMG products and services meet the needs of NASA customers.
  • Ensure SMG maintains state-of-the-practice capability regarding meteorological systems, forecast techniques, and procedures.
  • Develop new analysis and forecast techniques applicable to space program weather support and document these developments within the meteorological community.
  • Promote a work environment that encourages excellence and professionalism through training and professional development.
  • Maintain a safe and environmentally compliant work environment.
  • Streamline and improve SMG's operational and administrative processes.
  • Improve integration of SMG products and services with customer systems, particularly the Mission Control Center.
  • Provide NASA customers with increased access to SMG's unique capabilities.
  • Maintain and develop partnerships with other meteorological organizations, universities, suppliers, and vendors.

Weather and Mission Information:
Space Shuttle Forecasts and Observations, JSC / Houston Weather, Tropics and Hurricanes, SMG and Manned Space Flight, Staff, Links, Contact Us, SMG Home
Looking for information about "space weather", sunspots, or solar flares? Visit the NOAA Space Environment Center.

National Weather Service
Spaceflight Meteorology Group
Page last modified: 4 November 2003