Disaster-Resistant Kitsap County 

Release Date: September 11, 2000
Release Number: R10-00-74

» 2000 Region X News Releases

BREMERTON, Wash. -- FEMA Acting Regional Director Tammy Doherty will join Kitsap County Commissioners Chris Endresen and Charlotte Garrido, Bremerton Mayor Lynn Horton and a host of government, business and community leaders to formally sign the Kitsap County Project Impact Memorandum of Agreement at the Admiral Theater in downtown Bremerton, Thursday, September 14. Project Impact: Building Disaster Resistant Communities is a nation-wide initiative designed to change the way America deals with disasters, through local stakeholder partnerships, pooled resources, and aggressive mitigation. According to Doherty, it's a concept that has been well received in the Pacific Northwest.

"Our communities are as unique as the natural hazards that threaten them, and local stakeholders are uniquely qualified to prioritize and effectively mitigate those risks," said Doherty. "Kitsap County faces significant earthquake, flood and winter storm hazards. This expanded partnership will help broaden their support base, and raise awareness for disaster mitigation and prevention."

Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management's Phyllis Mann agrees. "We've pioneered a number of initiatives to reduce these risks, reduce potential damage, and reduce recovery times. Our full participation in Project Impact will allow us to further leverage existing resources, and add depth to our mitigation efforts. And in a nutshell, that's what Project Impact is all about."

Last Modified: Monday, 17-Nov-2003 14:11:18