FEMA Ready to Respond to Seattle Earthquake 

Release Date: February 28, 2001
Release Number: HQ-01-012

» 2001 Region X News Releases

Washington, DC -- Emergency workers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stand ready to respond, if needed, following the earthquake that struck Seattle, Washington, Wednesday.

"We have talked to the state and are monitoring the situation. We've assured officials from Washington State that the federal government stands ready to assist, if that's required," said FEMA Director Joe M. Allbaugh. "FEMA is well experienced in such situations, and we can move staff and resources to the west coast quickly to help with recovery efforts."

Allbaugh will be traveling with congressional representatives to Seattle on Thursday.

FEMA's Regional Operations Center, located in the agency's Bothell, Washington, Region X, has been activated 'round the clock to monitor the situation. The region's emergency response team is on standby.

FEMA headquarter's Emergency Support Team has also been activated and is on 24 hour a day operations. Two Urban Search and Rescue teams are on standby, ready to deploy if requested by Washington State, to search for individuals potentially trapped in earthquake rubble, and the National Airborne Operations Center, a customized plane that FEMA can request from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is on standby.

A state of emergency has been declared by state officials. FEMA is standing by for a request for federal assistance. Such a request kicks off the federal disaster declaration process and makes federal funds available for communities struck by disaster.

Earthquakes related information

Last Modified: Monday, 27-Oct-2003 14:30:22