Hit By Isidore, Lili Or Both, Call FEMA 

Release Date: October 5, 2002
Release Number: 1437-09

» More Information on Louisiana Hurricane Lili

Baton Rouge, LA -- From the first person who calls to register on the toll-free number, 800-621-FEMA (3362), to the last one, all will be served according to state and federal disaster recovery officials. The FEMA number continues to be important for Louisiana residents who suffered losses from tropical storm Isidore and Hurricane Lili. If you have damages from the new storm and have already called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for tropical storm Isidore, you should call FEMA again to register your new losses.

" It is important to call FEMA even though you may have called other agencies or volunteer organizations in your area," State Coordinator Art Jones said. "It is not necessary to wait for the insurance adjustor before calling or to initiate repairs to your home as long as you keep clear records and receipts. Take photos if possible."

By calling the FEMA number, storm-affected residents may do any of the following:

"Phone lines will be busy because several disasters have occurred in numerous states," Federal Coordinating Officer Carlos Mitchell said. "Perhaps those with less severely damaged property would be willing to wait a few days to let those who are out of their homes call first. We ask people to have patience with the process and keep trying to call. More than 1,000 operators, including multilingual, are standing by at the teleregistration offices in Texas, Virginia, Maryland and Puerto Rico."

People with hearing or speech impairments may call (TTY) 800-462-7585. The teleregistration numbers are available from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week until further notice.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 22-Apr-2003 12:15:40