Disaster Agency Phone Numbers Listed For Public Use 

Release Date: October 12, 2002
Release Number: 1435-39

» More Information on Louisiana Tropical Storm Isidore

Baton Rouge, LA -- State and federal agency telephone numbers can be vital to those who need information on disasters programs and eligibility requirements.

Although the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) funds disaster assistance programs, they are administered by Louisiana agencies, whose offices most often are called for information and guidance. A listing of those offices follows:

The American Red Cross help-line number to use for all assistance calls is 866-GET-INFO (438-4636) toll-free.

Church World Service numbers for disaster relief and recovery assistance are 801-232-5046 and 405-632-9989.

The FEMA toll-free number is 800-621-FEMA. For people with a speech or hearing impairment, the TTY toll-free number is 800-462-7585.

Last Modified: Thursday, 24-Jul-2003 17:06:38