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Sugar Beet Research Unit Publications from 2007/08




Fenwick, A., R. L. Larson, P. A. Reeves, C. M. Richards and L. Panella.  Virus induced gene silencing of a gene repressing flowering in sugar beet.  Pp. 126. In: Proceedings from the 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Salt Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007. 2007


Hanson, L. E., G. D. Franc and L. Panella.  Characterization of genes associated with potential for fungicide resistance in Cercospora beticola.  Pp. 196. In: Proceedings from the 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007. 2007.


Hanson, L. E., A. L. Hill and L. Panella. Interaction of varying Fusarium oxysporum isolates with different sugarbeet lines.  Pp. 157. In: Proceedings from the 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  2007.


Hanson, L. E. and L. Panella. Rhizoctonia root rot resistance of Beta PIs from the USDA-ARS NPGS, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. (online) 1:V023. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR01. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, MN. 2007.


Larson, R. L., A. L. Hill, and A. Nuñez. Characterization of Protein Changes Associated with Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris) Resistance and Susceptibility to Fusarium oxysporum. J Agr Food Chem 55:7905-7915. 2007.


Larson, R. L., A. Hill and A. Nunez.  Protein changes associated with sugarbeet resistance to Fusarium oxysporum.  Pp. 127. In: Proceedings from the 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  2007.


Larson, R.L., Jacobsen, B.J. Biocontrol Elicited Systemic Resistance in Sugarbeet is Salicylic Acid Independent and NPR1 Dependent. Journal of Sugarbeet Research. 44(1):17-33. 2007


Larson, R. L., A. Nunez and W. M. Wintermantel.  Rhizomania as seen from inside the beet cell: Indentifying proteome differences between sugarbeet infected with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and healthy sugarbeet.  Pp. 127. In: Proceedings from the 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  2007


McGrath, J. M., D. Trebbi, A. Fenwick, L. Panella, B. Schulz, V. Laurent, S. Barnes, S. C. Murray.  An open-source first-generation molecular genetic map from a sugar X table beet cross and its extension to physical mapping. The Plant Genome [A Suppl. to Crop Sci.] 47(1):S27-S44. 2007. (doi:10.2135/cropsci2005.07.0206tpg.)


Panella, L. and L. E. Hanson.  Registration of FC723 and FC723CMS Monogerm Sugarbeet Germplasm Resistant to Rhizoctonia Root Rot and Moderately Resistant to Cercospora Leaf Spot. Journal of Plant Registrations 1(1):66-67. 2007.


Panella, L. and R. T. Lewellen.  Broadening the genetic base of sugar beet: Introgression from wild relatives. Euphytica, 154(3):383–400. 2007 (Published online: 30 August 2006) DOI: 10.1007/s10681-006-9209-1


Panella, L.  Sugar Beet.  Book Review in Crop Science, 47(1): 426-427. 2007.


Reeves, P. A., Y. He, R. J. Schmitz, R. M. Amasino, L. W. Panella, and C. M. Richards.  Evolutionary conservation of the FLC-mediated vernalization response.  Genetics 176(1):295-307.  2007. (published on December 18, 2006 online as 10.1534/genetics.106.069336)


Weiland, J. J., R. L. Larson, T. P. Freeman, M. C. Edwards, and H-Y. Liu.  Discovery of Beet black scorch virus in the United States.  Pp. 185. In: Proceedings from the 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007. 2007







Fenwick, A., R. L. Larson, P. A. Reeves, C. M. Richards and L. Panella.  Virus induced gene silencing of a gene repressing flowering in sugar beet.  34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007. J Sugar Beet Res 44(3&4):133. 2007


Hanson, L. E., G. D. Franc and L. Panella.  Characterization of genes associated with potential for fungicide resistance in Cercospora beticola.  34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  J Sugar Beet Res 44(3&4):157. 2007


Hanson, L. E., A. L. Hill and L. Panella. Interaction of varying Fusarium oxysporum isolates with different sugarbeet lines.  34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  J Sugar Beet Res 44(3&4):145 . 2007


Larson, R. L., A. Hill and A. Nunez.  Protein changes associated with sugarbeet resistance to Fusarium oxysporum. 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  J Sugar Beet Res 44(3&4):133. 2007


Larson, R. L., A. L. Hill, A. Nunez, L. Fortis, and B. M. Wintermantel. S17 Sugarbeet Protein Changes and Interactions Associated with Resistance and Susceptibility to Beet necrotic yellow vein virus. J Biomol Tech 19:78. 2008.


Larson, R. L., A. Nunez and W. M. Wintermantel.  Rhizomania as seen from inside the beet cell: Indentifying proteome differences between sugarbeet infected with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and healthy sugarbeet. 34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  J Sugar Beet Res 44(3&4):134 . 2007


Richards, C. M., Reeves, P. A.. Y. He, R. J. Schmitz, R. M. Amasino, and L. W. Panella. Evolutionary conservation of the FLC-mediated vernalization response. Plant & Animal Genomes XV Conference.  2007.


Weiland, John J, Nevena Nagl, J. Mitch McGrath, Lee Panella, and Robert T. Lewellen. Molecular genetic tagging of Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima-derived resistance to the sugar beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii. Plant & Animal Genomes XV Conference. 2007.


Weiland, J. J., R. L. Larson, T. P. Freeman, M. C. Edwards, and H-Y. Liu.  Discovery of Beet black scorch virus in the United States.  34th Meeting of ASSBT (Agriculture) Slat Lake City, UT.  February 28 - March 3, 2007.  J Sugar Beet Res 44(3&4):155 . 2007


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Last Modified: 07/17/2008
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