National Situation Update: Saturday, September 22, 2007

Homeland Security Threat Level: YELLOW (ELEVATED).

Progress of Tropical Depression 10

As of 11:00 pm EDT, the system was located inland about 10 miles northeast of Pensacola, FL. Movement is northwest at 10 mph. A gradual turn to the west is forecast during September 22, 2007, which will keep it over land. Maximum sustained winds have decrease to near 30 mph. Expected to become a remnant low pressure system during September 22, 2007. No further advisories to be issued by NHC.

Region IV
Federal Actions:

Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) is operational 24/7 at Level III.
RNA Team is on alert.
State Response Liaisons have been identified and are on alert.
A state liaison reported to the Mississippi EOC September 21, 2007.
Pre-designated FCO has reported to Mississippi EOC.
Two (2) ERT-A teams have been identified.
Current status of ESF's

ESF 3 - Prepared to respond as required. A contingency plan will be developed. USACE South Atlantic Division has coordinated actions with all districts. All teams have been alerted about possibility of activation and deployment for weekend. Principal POC for weekend has been assigned.
ESF 6 - ARC has activated Regional Hurricane Watch Team. Monitoring system and preparing resources. ARC HQ also monitoring storm and placing resources on standby.
Red Cross at Region IV reports that chapters in lower Mississippi counties will be meeting  with local officials to determine which shelters will be placed on stand-by.
ESF 7 - Notified central office of RRCC activation level. On standby for possible weekend activation.
ESF 8 - Six (6) DMATs on standby.
Contact with the affected states being maintained. Staff will continue to participate in all conference calls as they occur.

State Status: 
- Monitoring
No plans to activate. Participating in conference calls with Louisiana regarding evacuation plan(s).
Mississippi - EOC 24 hour operations.
Conducting conference calls with lower six counties and one inland host county.
All ESF present at SEOC. (FEMA Region IV)

Region VI
Federal Actions:
Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) is operational 24/7 at Level III.
FEMA State Liaisons are located in the Texas and Louisiana EOC's.
The Region is in communication with Texas and Louisiana and the National Weather Service, and is monitoring Texas and Louisiana conference calls.

State Status:
- Monitoring
EOC staff reduced to two-person Crisis Action Team September 22, 2007.
Further staffing level to be determined September 22, 2007.
All ESF's deactivated.
Southeast LA Task Force conference call for September 22, 2007 is cancelled. (LA/GOHSEP/Region VI)

SOC is activated at Level One.  (FEMA Region VI)

Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG)

No activity to report. (FEMA HQ)

Tropical Weather Outlook

Atlantic/Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico:
Tropical Depression 10

As of 11:00 pm EDT, the system was located inland about 10 miles northeast of Pensacola, FL. Movement is northwest at 10 mph. A gradual turn to the west is forecast during September 22, 2007, which will keep it over land. Maximum sustained winds have decrease to near 30 mph. Expected to become a remnant low pressure system during September 22, 2007. No further advisories to be issued by NHC.
Elsewhere Tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 48 hours.

Eastern Pacific:
Tropical Storm IVO

This downgraded system still has slow movement toward the northeast.
It is expected to continue on this course during the next 24-48 hours and pass well to the south of Baja, Mexico.
Further weakening is forecast; however, Tropical Storm watches may be required as it possibly approaches a land mass.
Elsewhere, tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 48 hours.

Central Pacific:
Tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 48 hours.

Western Pacific:
Tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 48 hours. (NOAA, National Hurricane Center, Central Pacific Hurricane Center and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center)

Earthquake Activity

No new activity (FEMA HQ)

Preliminary Damage Assessments

No new activity (FEMA HQ)

Wildfire Update

  • National Preparedness Level:  2
  • States Most Affected:  Montana, Idaho 
  • National Fire Activity as of Friday, September 21, 2007:
    • Initial Attack Activity:  Light with 124 new fires.
    • New large fires:  1
    • Large fires contained:  1
    • Uncontained large fires and complexes over 500 acres:  7
    • 2007 acres burned to date: 8,075,372

Disaster Declaration Activity

FEMA-1728-DR-MO declared September 21, 2007 for storms and flooding, August 19-21, 2007.  Authorizes Public Assistance for 7 counties and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for the entire state. (FEMA Regions, HQ)

Last Modified: Monday, 24-Sep-2007 08:19:44 EDT