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NO Allergy Clinic on Friday, October 17th and Friday, October 24th

Emergency Line: (202) 720-9522 (for severe emergencies such as heart attacks, chest pains, falls, etc.)

South Building Health Unit Staff 
Dr. Oleh Jacykewcyz, Medical Officer
Charlene Raley, Administrative Assistant
Young E. Hobbie, R.N.
Alvina S. Mayer, R.N.

Mailing Address:
14th and Independence Avenue, SW
Room 1409-South Building, 4th Wing
Washington, DC  20250 Phone: (202) 720-3281

Hours of Operation: 7:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.


Services provided by the Health Units

  • Health Assessments
  • Acute Ambulatory Care
  • Emergency Office Call
  • Health Education
  • Health Promotion and Maintenance Programs
  • Immunizations
  • Field Health Units
  • Nursing Mother's Room

Acute Ambulatory Care
This is health care provided by the medical staff at the Health Units.

Emergency Office Call
The medical staff will visit employees for medical care when employees are severely ill or distressed and refer them to the appropriate medical facility when indicated.

Allergy Immunotherapy (Allergy Shots).
This service is provided at the South Building Health Unit according to the following schedule:

Day Hours
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

***Please ask the nurse how you can start allergy shots at the Health Units.***

Health Education
The medical staff provides information on diseases and treatment as well as for optimal health maintenance, such as nutrition and weight control.

Health Promotion and Maintenance Programs
The Health Unit provides health screening programs throughout the year such as: comprehensive blood work, hearing, vision and glaucoma screening, Echocardiogram, Stroke, Vascular, and Diabetes Screenings.

Tuberculosis Skin testing (P.P.D.)
The Health Units volunteer for the Adopt a School Program and Work Related Exposure.

Blood Pressure Screening
The hours for the blood pressure monitoring services are:
Thursdays-- 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Note: A doctor's order is required for monitoring your blood pressure more than once a week.

Administration of Prescription Medications
The Health Units medical staff will administer prescription medications, such as vitamin shots and assist the employee in complying with medication regimens.

Official Travel Immunizations
The Medical staff provides information and recommendations of immunization requirements. The staff also administers Tetanus/ Diphtheria immunizations and refers to appropriate clinics for other shots as needed.

The Health Units also handle immunizations related to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodbourne Pathogen Policy.

Blood Drives
The Health Units assist in the coordination and implementation of the American Red Cross blood drives. Blood drives are held six times a year.

Field Health Units

MaryEllen Haga, R.N.
Phone:  301-504-2398
5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Room 2-L140
Beltsville, MD  20705
Hours of Operation:  6:30am-4:00pm
Allergy Shots:  Thursday 1:30-2:00pm
Blood Pressure Screening: Every Tuesday from 10am-12pm



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