FEMA/Rhode Island Officials To Hold Snow Assistance Briefings 

Release Date: February 23, 2005
Release Number: 3203-002

» More Information on Rhode Island Snow

BOSTON, Maine -- Briefings have been scheduled in Warwick to explain the application process to obtain federal assistance available to supplement state and local governments’ costs for clean-up of the record snowfall of January 22-23, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials announced today.

With President Bush’s Feb. 18 declaration, government agencies in all Rhode Island counties became eligible for federal funding to reimburse 75 percent of approved costs for equipment, contracts, and personnel overtime related to emergency services in dealing with the snow over a 72-hour period.

Briefings will be held Tuesday, March 1, at Chelo’s Restaurant, 2225 Post Road, Warwick. Briefings for local officials begin at 9:30a.m. State agencies will be briefed at 1:30p.m.

“Procedures for requesting assistance, including eligibility requirements and the reimbursement process, will be explained at these briefings,” said James N. Russo, federal coordinating officer for the event. “FEMA wants to be sure that applicants receive all the assistance available to them under the law.”

FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.

Last Modified: Thursday, 24-Feb-2005 08:15:33