President Bush Declares Emergency In Texas And Louisiana In Response To Space Shuttle Tragedy 

President's Declaration Helps Ensure Responders Have The Resources They Need

Release Date: February 1, 2003
Release Number: HQ-03-028

» More Information on Louisiana Loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia
» More Information on Texas Loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia

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Washington, DC -- President George W. Bush today declared that an emergency exists in the states of Texas and Louisiana in the wake of the loss of space shuttle Columbia. Pursuant to the Stafford Act, the President's declaration authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate federal aid and ensure that responders to this tragedy have the resources they need.

"I had the honor and privilege to meet the families of the Columbia astronauts at its launch and my sincere condolences and prayers go out to them," said FEMA Director Joe M. Allbaugh. "As President Bush said, because of the courage, daring and idealism of these heroes, they will be deeply missed. The men and women at FEMA will do all that we possibly can to help our friends at NASA during these trying days."

The President's action authorizes the use of immediate assistance to protect public health and safety. Federal assistance can range from the use of Federal personnel and equipment to provisions for medical and other emergency supplies. The declaration authorizes FEMA to pay up to one hundred percent of the costs of personnel or supplies.

In support of the search, find and secure mission already underway, FEMA has made its Emergency Support Team operational at FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C., and at a regional operations center in Denton, Texas. FEMA is responsible for coordinating federal assets.

Last Modified: Friday, 11-Apr-2003 13:33:34