Federal Response To Tropical Storm Edouard 

Release Date: August 5, 2008
Release Number: HQ-08-155

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal response partners continued monitoring the progress of Tropical Storm Edouard as it moved inland over southeast Texas today. The states were extremely well prepared and have not requested any federal assistance.  However, as some state and local entities are beginning demobilization plans as the storm loses power, federal assets are still on standby as concerns remain about heavy rains and possible flash floods in the Houston area.

As Texas continues to face Tropical Storm Edouard and many other areas in the U.S. face severe weather, DHS's Ready Campaign continues to remind Americans that there are simple steps they can take to prepare for emergencies.  By having an emergency supply kit, making a family emergency plan and being informed about the conditions in their area and what local authorities are advising, Americans will be able to respond more quickly and efficiently if faced with a serious situation.  Ready recommends having a three-day supply of water for each individual in your family, including pets, along with non-perishable food, a battery-powered radio, extra batteries and a flashlight.  It is also important that Americans consider their families unique needs such as medication and any important documents like property insurance.  Additionally, pet owners should check with shelters in the area to see who can take pets in case of an evacuation.  For more information visit, www.ready.gov.

Current federal preparedness:

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 

FEMA's National Incident Management Assessment Team (IMAT) and the FEMA Region IV IMAT's Situational Awareness unit are staged in Lake Charles, La., while the Region VI IMAT is situated in Houston and Galveston. FEMA Mobile Emergency Support System (MERS) communications vehicles are co-located with the teams to provide power and communications support.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

USACE has alerted its power and commodity teams and placed them on stand-by to support as needed. The Galveston District's Emergency Operations Center relocated to Addicks Reservoir in west Houston and plans to conduct side scan surveys to ensure there are not hazards to navigation and to survey the centerline and quarter points to determine the condition of the affected waterways.  This includes Sabine Pass, the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, and the Houston, Galveston, and Texas City ship channels. 

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

Coast Guard resources made available for possible deployment include 16 rotary wing air assets and five fixed wing assets.

Department of Energy

The Department of Energy (DOE) stands ready to provide assistance related to energy systems and supplies. Three offshore natural gas gathering pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico have declared force majeure: Stingray Pipeline Company, High Island Offshore System, and Enbridge Offshore Pipeline.  Six natural gas processing plants in Cameron Parish were ordered to evacuate.  The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port temporarily suspended offloading oil tankers in the Gulf of Mexico due to high waves and winds. Refineries in the path of Edouard are making preparations in advance of the storm.

U.S. National Guard Bureau

There are 31 Air Medical Evacuation members ready, to assist evacuating medical centers along the Texas coast, if needed (Delaware, Mississippi and West Virginia). The National Guard Bureau continues to monitor the situation in southern Texas to coordinate and provide timely responses to civil authorities.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

HHS reports that all 138 hospitals in the TS Edouard-affected areas maintained power throughout the event as well as all but two of the 162 nursing homes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has staged two federal medical shelters, one Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) and four DMAT pharmaceutical caches at the National Distribution Center in Ft. Worth, Texas, and a DMAT cache in Galveston.

The American Red Cross (ARC)

On August 4, three shelters in Texas and Louisiana were open with 16 occupants. In addition, approximately 20 shelters were on standby. Twenty emergency response vehicles have been assigned to support the operation. Supplies such as shelter support trailers (cots, blankets), ready to eat meals and snacks are pre-positioned in the Greater Houston area.

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 05-Aug-2008 17:04:19