FEMA Rate of Eligibility Nears 50% for Mortgage and Rental Assistance 

Release Date: July 17, 2002
Release Number: 1391-127

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New York, NY -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that the number of households eligible to receive financial aid through its Mortgage and Rental Assistance (MRA) program is approaching 50 percent. Of the 11,202 MRA applications received by FEMA to date, 5,147 have been approved for over $32 million in assistance.

Besides the cases that have been found to be eligible for assistance, an additional 28 percent (3,126), require additional information to process. FEMA is taking extra efforts to assist those applicants in documenting the needed information. Once the necessary information can be obtained for these cases, more households may receive assistance.

"FEMA remains committed to all areas of recovery," said FEMA Director Joe M. Allbaugh. "We've streamlined the process for the MRA program, with our staff going the 'extra mile' to be sure that each and every application gets the full attention needed to determine potential assistance."

A fifteen-member task force, familiar with the issues and dynamics of the New York area, has been assigned to FEMA's Applicant Assistance Center in lower Manhattan. They meet face-to-face with applicants with pending cases. In many instances, FEMA staff members are calling landlords and employers-on behalf and with the permission of the applicants-to help provide the necessary documentation.

Since expanded eligibility guidelines were announced June 28, FEMA representatives in New York, supported by the processing centers in Virginia, Maryland and Texas, have worked daily-including weekends and the Fourth of July holiday-to review all outstanding cases.

While finding many new households eligible, the extensive review and casework has also determined that some applicants still may not qualify for the Mortgage and Rental Assistance program. Many in this category have shown no income loss over 25 percent, or cannot document any delinquency in rent or mortgage payments on a primary residence. For those applicants who are found to be ineligible under MRA, FEMA is providing a detailed referral sheet with contact information on charitable organizations that may be able to offer other types of assistance.

FEMA's work also continues with local voluntary agencies and community and civic organizations to ensure that people who may qualify for MRA assistance have every opportunity to apply. In particular, FEMA is coordinating with representatives of the United Services Group, the September 11 Fund and the New York Immigration Coalition, updating these organizations on the expanded eligibility guidelines.

To further assist with the agency's expanded outreach effort into the diverse New York community, FEMA now can provide application forms in five languages-Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean and French-in addition to English.

FEMA has also developed a comprehensive question and answer summary of some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the MRA program. The summary is available on FEMA's website at http://www.fema.gov/diz01/d1391.shtm

The expanded MRA guidelines cover residents who worked or lived anywhere in Manhattan and suffered financially because of the World Trade Center attacks. Additionally, those whose employer or business was not located in Manhattan on September 11 but had an economically dependent relationship with firms in that borough, and consequently suffered financially, may be eligible.

In addition to expanding the eligibility guidelines, FEMA has also extended the disaster application deadline until January 31, 2003. The extension allows affected residents more time to apply without having to face the stress of meeting an approaching deadline.

To apply for the Mortgage and Rental Assistance Program, individuals should call FEMA at 1-800-462-9029, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The tele-registration line can also provide assistance with the multitude of languages spoken in the New York metropolitan area. Persons who are speech- or hearing-impaired may call TTY at 1-800-462-7585.

Last Modified: Monday, 06-Oct-2003 10:28:36