Mold Can Damage Home And Health 

Release Date: July 19, 2002
Release Number: 1419-40

» More Information on Minnesota Severe Storms, Flooding and Tornadoes

Moorhead, MN -- Mold has emerged as a by-product of the recent flooding in Minnesota. Mold can cause problems for your home as well as your health. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Minnesota Division of Emergency Management, and the Minnesota Department of Health want you to safely remove the mold in your home and be aware of potential health risks, especially to those who are mold-sensitive.

Checking For Mold

You can tell if you have mold in your home if you can see it, or if there is an earthy or musty odor. Visible mold growth can be found under water-damaged surfaces, or behind walls. Look for discoloration and cracking walls.
You should be concerned about mold in your home if you can see it or smell it. Mold can also cause structural damage to your home. Similarly, when wood becomes soaked it can warp when it dries and cause walls to crack or become weaker.

Mold can become a problem in your home if there is enough moisture to allow mold to thrive and multiply. Dampness from flooding can get in walls, carpets, and wood. This moisture provides an excellent environment for mold to multiply. Mold is especially attracted to paper products such as wallboard used in many homes.

Mold And Your Health

According to The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mold growth in water-damaged homes can create a potential health hazard. There is always a little mold everywhere - in the air and on many surfaces. Mold exposure doesn't always present a health problem; but for those who are sensitive, mold spores can bring on allergic symptoms such as:

Seek medical attention if you experience any of the above symptoms.

Treating Mold In Your Home

Before beginning work on a flooded home, make sure the electricity is turned off. Wear a dust mask and gloves while cleaning and follow these cleaning steps:

You can reduce the incidence of mold growth by reducing the humidity, lowering the temperature of your home, and ventilating bath and cooking areas. Also, avoid installing carpet in kitchens and baths.
If mold odors persist, continue to dry out the area and search for any hidden areas of mold. If any area continues to smell musty, you may have to repeat the cleaning process.

Information on mold and flood clean-up is also available from your local health department or from the Minnesota Department of Health Indoor Air Unit at 651-215-0909 or 1-800-798-9050. You can also check the MDH website, for more information about mold and treating mold in your home.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 19-Aug-2003 14:07:56