Kosovo Donations Hotline Processes More Than 40,000 Calls 

Release Date: April 23, 1999
Release Number: HQ-99-131

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- FEMA operators have handled more than 40,000 calls at the Donations Coordination Center (DCC). The DCC was set up at FEMA's Hyattsville, Md. National Processing Service Center on April 6 to assist people interested in helping the Kosovo refugees.

Operators help callers find and contact relief agencies that are working directly with the Kosovo refugees that can use their financial support. Donation Coordinators at the DCC work with individuals and organizations that call with offers of goods or services.

USAID has more information on the Kosovo refugee situation posted on the Internet. They have a special Kosovo section on their web site at http://kosovo.info.usaid.gov/

For more on the many non-government organizations involved in the Kosovo relief effort, please visit Interaction, The American Council for Voluntary International Action, at http://www.interaction.org/

Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2004 11:51:02