Secretary Chertoff Discusses Hurricane Readiness with FEMA 

Release Date: June 22, 2007
Release Number: FNF-07-034

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff visited FEMA Headquarters on June 21 for a videoteleconference (VTC) with hurricane-prone regions to discuss readiness for the 2007 season.

FEMA Administrator David Paulison, Deputy Administrator Harvey Johnson, along with other agency senior management and representatives from FEMA Regions I, II, III, IV and VI briefed the Secretary on the results of a gap analysis of state resources and planned federal assistance. The study looked at several issues on a state-by-state basis, including evacuation, medical, debris, commodities, sheltering and fuel.

Staff from the Army Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, Health and Human Services and other federal agencies also attended.

Last Modified: Friday, 22-Jun-2007 17:04:56