EIIP Virtual Forum Schedule for October 

Release Date: September 28, 2000
Release Number: HQ-00-126

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership (EIIP) announces its October schedule of online forums. The EIIP Forum provides live online interaction between subject matter experts and practitioners via the Internet from one's own desktop at work, school or home. To participate, please visit www.emforum.org and click on Chat Login under Quick Picks.

EIIP live online sessions are held Wednesdays at 12:00 Noon EDT. Make note of the topics of interest and schedule them as you plan your meetings and activities for the month of October.

October 4 in the Virtual Library - "Donated Goods" - Monica Zacarelli, PAHO

October 11 in the Forum - "World Disaster Reduction Day" - Nicole Appel, Awareness & Promotion Officer, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) Secretariat

October 18 in the Virtual Classroom - "Masters of Disasters Curriculum" - Rocky Lopes, American Red Cross

October 25 in the Tech Arena - "Community Alert Network (CAN)" - Ken Baechel, President

Last Modified: Monday, 29-Dec-2003 15:00:18