East Haven, CT, Brings Project Impact to Festival 

Release Date: September 21, 2000
Release Number: R1-00-51

Mayor Joseph Maturo and Town Engineer Kevin White in front of the PI booth
Mayor Joseph Maturo and Town Engineer Kevin White in front of the PI booth.
FEMA News Photo

an East Haven Resident views the Project impact introductory slide show
an East Haven Resident views the Project impact introductory slide show.
FEMA News Photo

A group of residents rests their feet and displays their Project Impact Frisbees.
FEMA News Photo

The PI partner sign.
The PI partner sign.

Young mitigation advocate shows it is never too soon to start preparing.
Young mitigation advocate shows it is never too soon to start preparing.
FEMA News Photo

3M partner Tom DeRosa and wife Toni setting up.
3M partner Tom DeRosa and wife Toni setting up.
FEMA News Photo

The Annual Fall Festival in East Haven, Connecticut, was a very successful three-day event. The festival had booths from local businesses and restaurants, rides, games, live music. This annual event is held on the East Haven Green, which is the historical gathering place of townspeople here, established in the late 1600s.

The Project Impact booth was very busy. FEMA offered all types of hazard mitigation information from sources such as the Red Cross, National Association of Broadcasters and others. FEMA's booth included a full table display on hurricane hazard mitigation and various wind resistance window treatments from 3M, and displayed a looped Power Point slide show for interested residents running the entire time.

FEMA also gave away 500 Frisbees made up with the Project Impact and town logos and the "building a disaster resistant community" line and t-shirts to volunteers from the local high school.

Last Modified: Monday, 10-Nov-2003 14:17:07