Disaster Assistance Deadline Extended to Dec. 17 

Release Date: November 9, 1999
Release Number: 1295-20

» More Information on New Jersey Hurricane Floyd

Photo of Ed O'Neil introducing Govt. Whitman
SCO Lt. Ed O'Neil at the podium, introducing Gov. Whitman (third from left). FCO Pete Martinasco (seated far right) and Region II Director Lynn Canton (seated second from right) are also at the table. Photo by FEMA PIO Doug Welty.

Photo of Gov. Whitman presenting a check to Denise Baldicanas
NJ Gov. Christine Todd Whitman presenting the first check from the state's Disaster Relief Act funds to Denise Baldicanas. Photo by FEMA PIO Doug Welty.

PISCATAWAY, N.J. -- The deadline to register for disaster recovery assistance has been extended to Friday, Dec. 17 for those who suffered losses in New Jersey due to the effects of Hurricane Floyd. Officials of the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (NJOEM), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced the extension today.

FEMA extended the deadline following a request from the State of New Jersey. The extension means that residents and businesses affected by the disaster in the nine declared counties may apply for aid from FEMA, SBA, and other federal and state disaster recovery programs through close of business Dec. 17. Counties declared eligible by the president on are: Bergen, Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Union and Somerset.

State Coordinating Officer Lt. Ed O'Neil said that the deadline extension offers persons in New Jersey additional time to qualify for federal and state disaster assistance programs, including the New Jersey Disaster Relief Program which supplements federal assistance. "Once application has been made through FEMA, no other application is required to access the New Jersey Disaster Relief Program. Today's 30-day extension leaves the door open to all who still need assistance."

"More than 19,000 have already registered for assistance following the hurricane," said Federal Coordinating Officer Peter Martinasco. "Our intention is to make sure those people affected throughout the declared areas have ample opportunity to seek the federal and state assistance they need. We would urge anyone who has not registered to do so right away."

Residents and business owners affected by the floods may apply for aid by calling the FEMA toll-free registration number 1-800-462-9029. Persons who are speech or hearing-impaired can call 1-800-462-7585.

Since the presidential declaration, 19,004 persons in New Jersey have applied for FEMA disaster assistance. Nearly $22 million has been disbursed for temporary housing assistance; $40.1 million in U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loans have been made to renters, home and business owners; and almost $2 million has been allotted in individual and family grants.

Last Modified: Friday, 05-Dec-2003 12:55:37