Promising Sectors and Potential Projects in the Republic of Georgia

(note: historically, Georgia has been a major transit point for the Silk Road linking Europe and Central Asia.)

Airport logistics center: A project originated by the Tbilisi Aircraft Factory.

Railroad expansion/upgrade: Railroad needs complete overhaul. Government has considered privatization.

Poti port expansion project: $100 million sought for major addition to Poti port.

(Note: Georgia is a major transit point for natural gas flowing from Baku to Europe.)

Natural Gas Underground Storage

Oil/Gas Refinery

Major Hydroelectric Dam -- estimated cost $500 million, to provide energy for Georgia as well as neighboring Turkey.


Copper Mine Modernization: large copper deposits. Western investment sought to upgrade equipment.

Agribusiness -- 100 Farms project: 100 mid-sized farms packaged by USAID into a large potential agribusiness investment project.

Regional Hospital -- feasibility study completed. This would be a Western-run hospital providing services to patients throughout the Caucasus.