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DECEMBER 21, 2004


Internet access and e-mail communications with Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters and many other federal agencies in the District of Columbia were interrupted yesterday evening due to major problems experienced by the Internet Service Provider (ISP).  As a result, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has activated contingency procedures to collect data used in its weekly petroleum and natural gas reports from those respondents who normally reach us using e-mail or the Internet.    

While Internet service was fully restored this afternoon, the Department and its ISP are not in a position to guarantee that further disruptions and intermittent connections will not occur.  Therefore, we are also activating contingency procedures to assure that critical weekly petroleum and natural gas data are available for dissemination at their normal release times in a way that does not require Internet access.  Barring further problems, the EIA website should be accessible at these key times, and you are encouraged to try it, but the data will also be available as follows:

Weekly Petroleum Status Report

At 10:30 a.m on Wednesday, December 22, 2004, printed copies of key tables of the Weekly Petroleum Status Report will be available in the lobby of DOE Headquarters (James Forrestal Building), 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC.  Staff of the National Energy Information Center will be available at 202-586-8800 to fax selected pages of the report or read numbers over the telephone.

Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report

At 10:30 a.m on Thursday, December 23, 2004, printed copies of the Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report will be available in the lobby of DOE Headquarters (James Forrestal Building), 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC.  Staff of the National Energy Information Center will be available at 202-586-8800 to fax the report or read numbers over the telephone.

Other Releases

The following EIA publications are scheduled for release during the next week.  EIA will attempt to release them on schedule, as Internet access permits, but there may be delays.

Natural Gas Annual                             Petroleum Marketing Monthly

Petroleum Supply Monthly                  Monthly Oxygenate Report

Prime Supplier Report                         This Week in Petroleum

Weekly Coal Report                             Natural Gas Weekly Update

Restoration of Full Service

When full, reliable Internet service is restored, EIA will issue another press release immediately, announcing the discontinuation of contingency procedures. 

The information in this press release was prepared by the Energy Information Administration, the independent statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. The information contained in the press release should be attributed to the Energy Information Administration and should not be construed as advocating or reflecting any policy position of the Department of Energy or any other organization.


EIA Press Contact: National Energy Information Center, 202/586-8800



National Energy Information Center
Phone:(202) 586-8800
FAX:(202) 586-0727

URL: http://www.eia.doe.gov/neic/press/press247.html

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