Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Source INTRODUCTION INT.1 Purpose and Scope of Document FMPCC G&S Introduction INT.2 Organization of Document INT.3 General Performance Requirements FMPCC G&S Introduction INT.4 Document Control and Maintenance Plan INT.5 Overview of Flood Hazard Mapping Program A Cost-Effective Plan for Flood Studies Maintenance and Modernizing FEMA's Flood Hazard Mapping Program: A Progress Report INT.6 Overview of Flood Hazard Mapping Products FMPCC G&S and A Cost-Effective Plan for Flood Studies Maintenance INT.7 Overview of Flood Hazard Mapping Processes A Cost-Effective Plan for Flood Studies Maintenance INT.8 Overview of Mapping Formats A Cost-Effective Plan for Flood Studies Maintenance and FMPCC G&S INT.9 Overview of Mapping Partners Modernizing FEMA's Flood Hazard Mapping Program: A Progress Report INT.10 Guidelines for Mapping Partners in Perspective VOLUME 1 FLOOD STUDIES AND MAPPING 1.1 Overview of the Flood Map Project Process 1.2 Mapping Needs Assessment 1.3 Project Scoping Scoping Manual Jan 2001, FEMA 37 Project scoping plus new material 1.4 Data Development/Report and Map Production FEMA 37, FMPCC G&S, and current Optimized Study Process practice 1.5 Preliminary/Post-Preliminary Processing Portions from FEMA 37 and FMPCCG&S 1.6 References VOLUME 2 MAP REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS 2.1 Physical Map Revisions FMPCC G&S 2.2 Coastal Barrier Resources System Revisions FMPCC G&S 2.3 Notice-to-User Revisions Formally documented for inclusion into these G&S 2.4 Letter of Map Change Processing FMPCC G&S and Procedure Memo 22 2.5 Revalidation Letters FMPCC G&S 2.6 Corporate Limit Changes FMPCC G&S 2.7 Program Implementation FMPCC G&S 2.8 Fee-Collection System Responsibilities FMPCC G&S 2.9 Special Conversions FMPCC G&S 2.10 References VOLUME 3 PROGRAM SUPPORT 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Program Coordination and Reporting Portion from FMPCC G&S 3.3 Library and Archive Support Portion from FMPCC G&S 3.4 Procedure, Guidance, and Policy Development and Implementation Portion from FMPCC G&S Assistance Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Source 3.5 Technical Assistance 3.6 Map Assistance Center Support 3.7 Flood Hazard Mapping Web Site Support Activities 3.8 Mapping Needs Assessment Process Support 3.9 Special Correspondence 3.10 Letters of Determination Review 3.11 Engineering Study Data Package Facility Support 3.12 Map Service Center Support 3.13 Training Support 3.14 Post-Flood Hazard Verification/Recovery Tools 3.15 Hazard Identification and Mapping Activities 3.16 Risk Assessment Activities 3.17 Fee-Charge System Maintenance Activities 3.18 Cooperating Technical Partners Program Support Activities 3.19 Support for Other Map Modernization Objectives 3.20 Q3 Flood Data Maintenance Activities 3.21 Conversion/Compliance Process Support 3.22 Other Program Support 3.23 References Portion from FMPCC G&S Portion from FMPCC G&S FHM Website Protocols NFIRA, Section 575 Portion from FMPCC G&S Portion from FMPCC G&S Portion from FMPCC G&S Portion from FMPCC G&S Portion from FMPCC G&S Portion from FMPCC G&S Fee Charge System Procedures s for Part 72 and Fee Charge Systems Procedures for External Data Requests Modernizing FEMA’s Flood Hazard Mapping Program, A Progress Report Portion from FMPCC G&S FEMA Document Control Procedures Manual APPENDIX A GUIDANCE FOR TOPOGRAPHIC DATA DEVELOPMENT A.1 Introduction FEMA 37, Appendix 4A. Aerial Mapping and Surveying Spec's and 4B A.2 Industry Geospatial Standards NSSDA (FGDC 195f) and NGS-5f (NOAA, 1997) A.3 Accuracy Guidelines FEMA 37 Appx 4 updated to NSSDA A.4 Data Requirements FEMA 37 rewritten to NDEP recommendations A.5 Ground Control FEMA 37 rewritten FGDC network accuretly A.6 Ground Surveys FEMA 37 rewritten to NGS-58 A.7 Photogrammetric Surveys FEMA 37 Appx 4 A.8 Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Surveys FEMA 37 Appx 4B rewritten to NDEP recommedations A.9 References Updated from FEMA 37 APPENDIX B CONVERTING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 B.1 Vertical Datums FEMA 37; FMPCC G&S App. D with updated information B.2 Data Collection " B.3 Conversion Criteria " B.4 Conversion of Unrevised Flood Elevations " B.5 Conversion From NAVD88 to NGVD29 " B.6 Flood Insurance Study ReportParagraphs " Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Source APPENDIX C GUIDANCE FOR RIVERINE FLOODING ANALYSES C.1 Detailed Hydrologic Analysis FEMA 37, current policies and practices C.2 Hydrologic Review White Paper on Hydrology Review C.3 Detailed Hydraulic Analyses FEMA 37, current policies and practices C.4 Approximate Analyses FEMA 37, FEMA 265, NC CTP Issue Paper #11 (Hydraulic Analyses of Structures in Zone A Areas ) C.5 Hydraulic Review White Paper on Hydraulic Review C.6 Floodplain Mapping FEMA 37, FMPCC G&S, and current practice C.7 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses of Lake Levels for Closed Basins Current policies and practices C.8 Future-Conditions Flood Mapping Current policies and practices C.8 References APPENDIX D GUIDANCE FOR COASTAL FLOODING ANALYSES AND MAPPING D.1 General Guidance FEMA 37 - Appendix 1 D.2 Wave Elevation Determination and V Zone Mapping: Gulf of Mexico and Guidelines and Specifications for Wave Elevation Determination and V-Zone Atlantic Ocean Mapping (Final Draft March 1995) D.3 Wave Elevation Determination and V Zone Mapping: Great Lakes Guidelines and Specifications for Wave Elevation Determination and V-Zone Mapping - Great Lakes ( Draft August 1996) D.4 Wave Elevation Determination and V Zone Mapping: Pacific Ocean D.5 Erosion Hazard Study, Identification, and Mapping D.6 References APPENDIX E GUIDANCE FOR SHALLOW FLOODING ANALYSES AND MAPPING E.1 What Is Shallow Flooding? FEMA 37 E.2 Study Scope " E.3 Applicable Flood Insurance Risk Zones " E.4 Shallow Flooding Classifications and Descriptions " E.5 Study Procedures " APPENDIX F GUIDANCE FOR ICE-JAM ANALYSES AND MAPPING F.1 Introduction FMPCC G&S and FEMA 37 F.2 Ice Jam Types " F.3 Reconnaissance " F.4 Analysis Approaches " F.5 Presentation of Results " F.6 References " APPENDIX G GUIDANCE FOR ALLUVIAL FAN FLOODING ANALYSES AND MAPPING G.1 Introduction NRC 1996 Report on Alluvial Fan Flooding, Alluvial Fan Guidelines Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Source G.2 Analysis Approach " G.3 Additional Information on Sediment Transport " G.4 References " APPENDIX H GUIDANCE FOR MAPPING OF AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEE SYSTEMS H.1 Levee System Component Terminology H.2 Levee System Evaluation Criteria " H.3 Crediting Criteria for Flood Maps " H.4 Review Responsibilities FMCCC G&S H.5 Floodplain Mapping and Flood Profiles FEMA 37; Section 65.10 of NFIP Regulations H.6 Flood Control Restoration Zones Current policies and practices APPENDIX I SCOPING GUIDANCE AND TOOLS I.1 Pre-Scoping Meeting Activities Scoping Manual Jan 2001 I.2 Scoping Meeting Activities Scoping Manual Jan 2001 I.3 Post-Scoping Meeting Activities Scoping Manual Jan 2001 APPENDIX J FORMAT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY REPORTS J.1 Submittal Content for Flood Insurance Study Reports J.2 Preparation of Flood Insurance Study Reports J.3 Volume Printing J.4 Future-Conditions Flood Hazard Information J.5 Preliminary and Final Deliverables J.6 Sample Flood Insurance Study Report J.7 Figures FEMA 37 and FMPCC G&S " " Current policies and practices Current policies and practices FEMA 37 and FMPCC G&S Current policies and practices APPENDIX K SPECIFICATIONS AND FORMAT FOR FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS Mapping Production Methods and Formats FMPCC G&S ; FMPCC G&S and/or Procedure Memos 3, 4, 11, 14, 15 & 22 K.2 Map Frames K.3 Map Index K.4 Map Body K.5 Map Legend K.6 Map Title Block K.7 Map Locator Diagram K.8 Notes to Users K.9 Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map Deliverables K.10 Deliverables to Map Service Center " " " " " " " " Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Source APPENDIX L GUIDANCE FOR PREPARING DIGITAL FIRM DATABASE Map Modernization DFIRM Database Work Group, Draft DFIRM Specifications, L.1 Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Database Overview FEMA 37 Appendix 7 L.2 Preparation of Draft Digital Data " L.3 Preparation of Preliminary and Final Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Databases " L.4 Database Table Structure Requirements for Draft Digital Data " L.5 Federal Emergency Management Agency Digital Mapping Information Checklist " L.6 Metadata Example for Draft Digital Data " L.7 Database Table Structure Requirements for Preliminary and Final Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Databases " L.8 Metadata Example for Preliminary and Final Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Databases " APPENDIX M GUIDANCE FOR PREPARING AND MAINTAINING TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT DATA M.1 Background FEMA 37, FMPCCG&S, Guide for Preparing Technical Support Data Notebook M.2 Preparation and Submittal Requirements " M.3 Processing and Maintenance Requirements " GLOSSARY OF TERMS