Table 1,,,, Questions Used in Preparing This Report,,,, ,Results,Population,Sample,Margin of Error +/- "During [last month], did you walk, run, or jog at least one time outside for ten minutes or more? ",,,, Yes,72%,"143,727,049","7,497",0.96 No,28%,"56,714,789","3,094",0.96 "How many days did you walk, run or jog?",,,, Average days for 2002,13 days,"142,267,355","7,412",0.24 "Primarily for what purpose did you walk, run or jog?",,,, Exercise/my health,60%,"85,496,989","4,496",1.27 Recreation,17%,"24,813,199","1,312",0.96 Personal errands,15%,"21,558,729","1,107",0.94 Commuting to work or school,5%,"6,553,706",316,0.57 Required for my job,2%,"2,842,224",144,0.37 Other,1%,"2,056,740",103,0.31 "And on a typical day that you walked, ran, or jogged, about how much time did you spend walking, running, or jogging?",,,, Average minutes for 2002,51 min.,"142,313,798","7,423",1.88 "Did you walk, run, or jog mostly on:",,,, Sidewalks,40%,"57,279,890","2,917",1.25 Roadways,42%,,, Paved roads (not on shoulders of paved roads),29%,"40,977,536","2,171",1.15 Shoulders of paved roads,7%,"10,457,659",552,0.67 "Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)",6%,"8,773,242",484,0.59 Bike lanes on roads,0.4%,"571,719",33,0.15 "Bike paths, walking paths, trails",10%,"14,116,322",757,0.76 Grass,4%,"5,131,604",256,0.48 Track,3%,"4,299,779",215,0.45 Other,1%,"1,365,696",74,0.25 "SOURCE: US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Omnibus Household Survey, February through December of 2002 .",,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,