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2006 News Conferences

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12/14/06 News Conference held to encourage residents to register to become bone marrow donors.
12/04/06 Governor and Lt. Governor's Inauguration Ceremony
10/26/06 News Conference on a proclamation for an underage drinking grant.
10/23/06 News Conference recognizing Red Ribbon Week and a grant issued to fight drug addiction and substance abuse.
10/17/06 News Conference on the development of a road maintenance project that will improve emergency and complaint response times.
10/05/06 News Conference on a proclamation for crime revention awareness, domestic violence awareness, fire preventions, business women in the workforce, and medical assistants.
09/13/06 News Conference on South Point Wind Farm.
09/07/06 News Conference on a proclamation recognizing alcohol and drug recovery.
09/07/06 News Conference on proclamations recognizing fetal alcohol disorders and prevention, Women's Health Month, National Surgical Technologists, and prostate cancer awareness.
07/28/06 News Conference on a proclamation honoring Apollo Ono, olympic short track speed skater, as a youth athlete representative for the U.S.
07/26/06 News Conference on a proclamation honoring the tobacco control program and its efforts to reduce underage tobacco use and consumption.
07/13/06 News Conference on a proclamation for Aloha Airlines.
06/19/06 News Conference on a bill that targets drunken driving and underage drinking.
06/05/06 News Conference on a bill that restricts the buying of pseudoephedrine a meth ingredient.
06/01/06 News Conference on the Underage Drinking Hotline
03/16/06 News Conference with U.S. Surgeon General Vice Admiral Richard Carmona, M.D. on the State’s efforts to reduce smoking
03/06/06 News Conference on the "Clear the Smoke" Campaign
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