Affected by Hurricane Katrina? Remember to Claim Those New Tax Benefits 

Release Date: December 16, 2005
Release Number: 1605-132

» More Information on Alabama Hurricane Katrina

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- It's the time of year when we begin to think about filling out tax forms and what our tax liabilities might be. Fortunately, for Alabamians who suffered losses from Hurricane Katrina, there is tax relief.

There are some important new benefits under the Hurricane Katrina relief bill passed on September 23, 2005. Taxpayers who itemize should plan to take full advantage of the changes by carefully reviewing the instructions and by discussing them with their tax consultants or an Internal Revenue Service representative.

Here are some key points to remember in the new tax law:

"This has been an unprecedented disaster. The new tax benefits recognize that every penny taxpayers save will help them in rebuilding their lives," said Michael Bolch, FEMA's federal coordinating officer for the Alabama recovery.

When filing, be sure to write "Hurricane Katrina" in red ink at the top of the tax forms or any documents you attach, to alert the IRS tax examiner. It is also important for any disaster area taxpayer who receives a penalty notice from the IRS to call the number on the notice to receive penalty abatement.

For answers to Hurricane-related tax questions, contact the IRS disaster hotline at 866-562-5227 or online at

Last Modified: Friday, 16-Dec-2005 11:00:48