The Holidays Present an Opportunity for Children to Get Involved In Disaster Planning 

Release Date: December 17, 2005
Release Number: 1604-181

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JACKSON, Miss. -- Disaster planning should be a family affair. The holidays, when most are home together for extended periods of time, present a good opportunity for parents and children to create an emergency preparedness plan and disaster supply kit. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) created a page at that makes disaster planning fun and informative for children and involves the entire family.

The FEMA for Kids page guides children through disaster facts-what to do, how to be prepared for disasters and how to prevent disaster damage. A child can also learn how disasters strike and what causes them. Children can play games, read stories and become a Disaster Action Kid within an interactive online format.

Get Ready, Get Set…shows children what items a disaster supply kit should have and why they are important: water and food for three days, tools, a radio and batteries, bedding, a first aid kit, filled prescriptions, extra pairs of eyeglasses and important papers. Children can participate in preparing a Kid's Activity Survival Kit by personalizing one; they can include favorite books, crayons, pencils, paper, scissors and glue, toys and anything that would comfort them or occupy their time during a disaster.

Preparing a disaster supply kit can also open the door to discussion about creating-and practicing-a disaster or emergency preparedness plan. Good plans reduce decision-making when a crisis occurs. Disaster-related guidelines and resources for adults and teachers are also available at

Last Modified: Monday, 19-Dec-2005 09:50:44