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ASB Notices

08/08/08  Aug. 12 Report to Estimate 2008 Corn, Soybean Production

06/19/08  NASS to Take Steps to Assess Crop Acres in Flood Areas

06/19/08  NASS Will Not Issue Special Report on Nonfat Dry Milk Prices

05/22/08  NASS Agricultural Chemical Usage Reports

05/22/08  NASS Issues Special Wheat Objective Yield Report

04/18/08  NASS Makes Changes to Cotton Objective Yield Survey

03/25/08  NASS Will Not Publish March 26 Postharvest Chemical Use Report

02/14/2008   NASS Changes Release Date for Corn, Soybean County Estimates

01/14/2008   NASS to Issue Results of Farm and Ranch Safety Survey

11/26/2007   NASS Changes Release Date for Next Week’s Weather-Crop Summary

11/26/2007   NASS Issues Special North American Potato Report

10/12/2007   U.S. Marketing Year Average Price of Cotton Down From 2005

7/24/2007   NASS to Update Winter Wheat Harvested Acreage

7/24/2007   NASS Issues Special Soybean Objective Yield Report

6/28/2007   NASS Releases Dairy Product Prices Special Report

6/13/2007   USDA to Release Report on Ethanol Co-Products Used for Livestock Feed

5/23/2007   NASS To Update Winter Wheat Forecast In June

5/14/2007  NASS Issues Special Corn Objective Yield Report

4/25/2007  NASS Changes Release Date for Floriculture Production Report

2/13/2007  USDA NASS Will Not Publish February 16 Farm Labor Report

1/03/2007  NASS To Change Release Date for January 3 Broiler Hatchery Report

11/17/2006  Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) Indicator Updated

10/13/2006  USDA to Release Weekly Peanut Price Information

10/12/2006  U.S. Marketing Year Average Price of Cotton Up From 2004

10/04/2006  NASS to Release In-Shell Pecan Cold Storage Updates

10/03/2006  USDA-NASS to Release Crop Production Information

8/18/2006  Agricultural Prices 2005 Annual Summary Available

8/04/2006  Agricultural Prices Data Temporarily Unavailable

7/17/2006  Agricultural Prices Data Available Via “Quick Stats”

5/30/2006  NASS to Update Winter Wheat Forecast in June

12/16/2005  NASS to Publish Agricultural Chemical Usage Report Dec. 23

12/13/2005  NASS to Change Release Time for Dec. 23
Cattle on Feed Report

11/18/2005  Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) Indicator Updated

10/21/2005  NASS to Release U.S. and Canadian Hogs and Pigs Report

10/12/2005  U.S. Marketing Year Average Price of Cotton Down for 2004

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