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U.S. Soybean Industry: Background Statistics and Information

Production and Trade

For current coverage of the soybean industry, see the ERS monthly newsletter Oil Crops Outlook. See also soybean rust economic assessment.

  • U.S. soybean planted acreage:
        2006: 75.5 million acres
        2007: 63.6 million acres
        2008: 74.8 million acres

  • Farm cash receipts, soybean production:
      2006: $20.5 billion
      2007: $26.2 billion (forecast)
      2008: $36.4 billion (forecast)

  • U.S. soybean production:
       2006: 3,188 million bushels
       2007: 2,585 million bushels
       2008: 2,973 million bushels (forecast)

  • Soybean production, top five States, 2008:
       IA - 437 million bushels(forecast)
       IL – 376 million bushels(forecast)
       MN - 278 million bushels (forecast)
       IN - 255 million bushels (forecast)
       NE - 235 million bushels (forecast)

  • U.S. soybean exports:
       2006: 1,116 million bushels (crop year)
       2007: 1,145 million bushels (crop year forecast)
       2008: 1,000 million bushels (crop year forecast *)
  • U.S. soybean exports as percent of production:
       2006: 35 percent
       2007: 44 percent (forecast)
       2008: 34 percent (forecast)

  • U.S. soybean exports by country, 2006/07
    Top five destinations:
       China—408 million bushels
       Mexico—144 million bushels
       European Union—125 million bushels
       Japan—122 million bushels
       Taiwan—77 million bushels

U.S. Soybean Prices

  • Farm price for soybeans:
       2006 crop year average: $6.43 per bushel
       2007 crop year average: $10.15 per bushel (forecast)
       2008 crop year average: $12.25 per bushel (forecast)

*Crop year begins September 1 and ends August 31.

Want More Data and Information?

See also:

USDA Soybean Rust Information Site

Soybeans and Oil Crops
Briefing Room

Oil Crops Outlook report

Soybeans and oil crops related links (includes other USDA agencies)

Soybeans and oil crops regions

Brazil Briefing Room


For more information, contact: Mary Reardon

Web administration:

Updated date: August 19, 2008