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In Brief

Concise overviews of key issues, research findings, and analysis. These are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.


Agricultural Policy
Diet and Health
Farm Economy
Food Assistance and Food Security
Food Industry and Markets

Food Safety
Natural Resources and Environment
Research, Technology, and Productivity
Rural and Community Development
Trade and International Markets

Agricultural Policy Adobe pdf icon

Effects of Marketing Loans on U.S. Dry Peas and Lentils: Supply Response and World Trade
Acreage for dry peas and lentils has increased since passage of the 2002 Farm Act. ERS examines the role of the Act’s marketing loans in the increase, and the trade impacts. May 2008

Commodity Payments, Farm Business Survival, and Farm Size Growth
ERS compared consumption of refined and whole grains with recommendations of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines, considering the consumers’ social, economic, and demographic characteristics. November 2007

Integrating Commodity and Conservation Programs: Design Options and Outcomes
Could a single program support farm income and encourage environmentally sound farm practices? ERS looks at some hypothetical program scenarios. October 2007

Effects of Reducing the Income Cap on Eligibility for Farm Program Payments
ERS estimates the number of farm operators likely to be affected by reducing the income eligibility cap for receiving commodity payments, from $2.5 million to $200,000. September 2007

Valuing Counter-Cyclical Payments: Implications for Producer Risk Management and Program Administration
Counter-cyclical payments supplement incomes of eligible producers enrolled in commodity programs. ERS developed a computer program that improved upon USDA’s method of estimating payment rates and that producers and forecasters can use. February 2007

Economic Analysis of Base Acre and Payment Yield Designations Under the 2002 U.S. Farm Act
The 2002 Farm Act allowed farmland owners to update commodity program base acres and payment yields for calculating program benefits. ERS examined owners’ decisions on designating base acreage and yield as they responded to economic incentives in choosing among the options. September 2005

A Consideration of the Devolution of Federal Agricultural Policy
Devolution is the transfer of local over Federal funds to States—is one way of tailoring national policies to diverse local preferences and program delivery costs. November 2004

See also “Natural resources and environment” and “Food programs and food security.”

Diet and Health Adobe pdf icon

The Declilne in Consumer Use of Food Nutrition Labels, 1995-2006
ERS examines changes on consumers’ use of nutrition labels on food items between 1995-96 and 2005-06 and finds that use has declined for most components of labels. August 2008

Is Dietary Knowledge Enough? Hunger, Stress, and Other Roadblocks to Healthy Eating
Using a consumer demand model, ERS illustrates how both long-term health objectives and immediate visceral influences (e.g., time pressure) influence food choices. August 2008

Dietary Assessment of Major Trends in U.S. Food Consumption, 1970-2005
ERS investigates trends in U.S. food consumption from 1970 to 2005. Results suggest many Americans still fall short of Federal dietary recommendations for whole grains, lower fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables. March 2008

Food Stamps and Obesity: What Do We Know?
Results from reviewed studies indicate that for most Food Stamp Program participants, use of food stamp benefits does not result in an increase in Body Mass Index or the likelihood of being overweight or obese. March 2008

Price Trends Are Similar for Fruits, Vegetables, and Snack Foods
Evidence suggest that a wide class of unprepared fresh fruits and vegetables—those that have not been combined with labor-saving attributes—display declining prices along with prices of commonly consumed dessert and snack foods. March 2008

The U.S. Grain Consumption Landscape: Who Eats Grain, in What Form, Where, and How Much?
ERS compared consumption of refined and whole grains with recommendations of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines, considering the consumers’ social, economic, and demographic characteristics. November 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More To Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective
Eight economic information bulletins compile evidence to address the question of whether the Food Stamp Program could do more to encourage healthful food choices. September 2007

Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs and Obesity: 1976-2002
ERS investigated the extent to which overweight and obesity have increased over time among food food and nutrition assistance recipients compared with nonrecipient groups. September 2007

Could Behavioral Economics Help Improve Diet Quality for Nutrition Assistance Program Participants?
The increasing presence of nontraditional grocery retailers such as supercenters is generating new cost-cutting and differentiation strategies among traditional food retailers. June 2007

Who Has Time To Cook? How Family Resources Influence Food Preparation
The relationship of household characteristics and time resources to the amount of time spent preparing food is relevant for the design of food assistance programs. May 2007

Possible Implications for U.S. Agriculture From Adoption of Select Dietary Guidelines
ERS used its Food Availability data and Food Guide Pyramid Servings data to calculate possible changes in U.S. farm production needed if consumers followed some of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. November 2006

Let’s Eat Out—Americans Weigh Taste, Convenience, and Nutrition
Analysis of a survey of U.S. consumers indicates that respondents want convenience and an enjoyable dining experience, but the desire for health also plays a role as does diet-health knowledge. October 2006

Nutrition Labeling in the Food-Away-From-Home Sector: An Economic Assessment
Current nutrition labeling law exempts much of the food-away-from-home sector from mandatory labeling regulations. What would be the economic costs if the sector were included in the regulations, and how might producers and consumers respond? April 2005

Understanding Fruit and Vegetable Choices Economic and Behavioral Influences
Promotional advice that is flexible in accommodating a range of preferences and lifestyles maybe more effective than nutrition information alone in influencing consumers’ food choices. November 2004

U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Who, What, Where, and How Much
The variety of produce available to Americans has blossomed in recent years, and ERS has analyzed data from national USDA surveys to investigate how consumers are responding.
November 2004

What Determines the Variety of a Household’s Vegetable Purchases?
ERS has investigated factors that influence the purchase of vegetables, and identified the obstacles to selecting a variety. November 2004

How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?
Contrary to assumptions that fruits and vegetables are expensive, especially when purchased fresh, a consumer can meet daily recommendation of three servings of fruits and four servings of vegetables for 64 cents. November 2004

Low-Income Households’ Expenditures on Fruits and Vegetables
Americans generally eat less fruits and vegetables than is recommended in USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid, and low-income households eat even less than higher income households. November 2004

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Looking Ahead to 2020
Factors shaping food consumption are rising income, higher educational attainment, improved diet and health knowledge, more frequent eating out, and a growing population that will become older and more racially and ethnically diverse. November 2004

The Demand for Food Away from Home: Full-Service or Fast Food?
Population trends and rising incomes are expected to sustain growth in spending for food at full-service and fast food restaurants.
January 2004

See also “Food programs and food security.”

Farm Economy Adobe pdf icon

Profile of Hired Farmworkers, A 2008 Update
ERS examines the size, importance, and composition of the hired farmworker force, updating information published in 2000. These workers make up a third of the farm labor force. July 2008

Economic Organization of U.S. Broiler Production
ERS describes the boiler industry’s organization, use of production contracts, animal housing features, enterprise cost structures, and farm household finances.
June 2008

Agricultural Contracting Update, 2005
Over half of all transactions for U.S. farm products involved commodities bought and sold in open markets. But formal contractual arrangements cover a growing share of production. April 2008

The Changing Economics of Hog Production
ERS examines the economic factors that underlie the dramatic decline in number of hog operations over the past 15 years and the increasing concentration of production on large, specialized hog farms. December 2007

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Hog Farms, 2004
Once dominated by small, owner-operated crop-hog farms, hog ownership is increasingly concentrated. Traditional farrow-to-finish operations are being replaced by operations specializing in a single production phase. December 2007

Profits, Costs, and the Changing Structure of Dairy Farming
ERS examines economic factors in the dramatic decline in the number of dairy farms over the past 15 years and the increasing concentration in the industry. September 2007

Structure and Finances of U.S. Farms: Family Farm Report, 2007 Edition
U.S. farms are diverse in size, the commodities produced, financial performance, and business structure, but the overwhelming majority are family farms. See also brochure. June 2007

Cost Pass-Through in the U.S. Coffee Industry
ERS uses data from the coffee industry to examine to what extent changes in commodity costs affect manufacturer and retail prices. March 2007

Off-Farm Income, Technology Adoption, and Farm Economic Performance
ERS examines the relationship between off-farm work, farmers’ technology choices, and the economic performance of farms and farm households. February 2007

Did BSE Announcements Reduce Beef Purchases?
ERS examines retail purchases of beef and beef products for evidence of response to the 2003 government announcements of finding cows infected with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). December 2006


U.S. Dairy at a Global Crossroads
Current dynamics in world dairy markets and the potential for trade policy reform are bringing the U.S. dairy sector to a crossroads as it faces global competitive forces. November 2006

Possible Implications for U.S. Agriculture From Adoption of Select Dietary Guidelines
ERS used its Food Availability data and Food Guide Pyramid Servings data to calculate possible changes in U.S. farm production needed if consumers followed some of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. November 2006

How Low has the Farm Share of Retail Food Prices Really Fallen?
ERS estimates the share of retail food prices farmers earn on two commodity groups—fruits and vegetables. While the farm share has been shrinking, the decrease is less than previously believed. August 2006

Understanding U.S. Farm Exits
The rate of entry into farming is nearly as high as the exit rate, keeping the U.S. farm count stable. ERS examines the numbers as well as the forces driving farm exits. June 2006

The First Decade of Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States
ERS summarizes the impact of developments in agricultural biotechnology on seed suppliers and other biotech firms, farmers, and consumers, as well as environmental impacts. April 2006

The Value of Plant Disease Early-Warming Systems: A Case Study of USDA's Soybean Rust Coordinated Framework
ERS examines and evaluates, as a case study, USDA's coordinated framework for soybean rust surveillance, reporting, prediction, and management. April 2006

Farm Structure and Economic Well-Being
Two ERS Economic Briefs examine the role of farm payments in economic well being, the impact of commodity payments on farms and farmers, and the distribution of payments. March 2006

Agricultural Contracting Update: Contracts in 2003
A growing share of farm product transactions are made through agreements between farmers and buyers prior to crop harvest or livestock production. Contracts covered 39 percent of the value of agricultural production in 2003, up from 36 percent in 2001, and contracting shows a strong upward trend. January 2006

Contracts, Markets, and Prices: Organizing the Production and Use of Agricultural Commodities
Demand for specific product attributes is making contracts the choice over traditional spot markets for many livestock commodities and some major crops—e.g., sugar beets, fruit, tomatoes. November 2004

Food Assistance and Food Security Adobe pdf icon

Household Food Security in the United States, 2006
Eighty-nine percent of American households were food secure in 2006 throughout the entire year.  The 2006 report provides the most recent data on U.S. households’ food security, defined as having consistent access to enough food for active, healthy lives. November 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More To Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective
Eight economic information bulletins compile evidence to address the question of whether the Food Stamp Program could do more to encourage healthful food choices. September 2007

Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs and Obesity: 1976-2002
ERS investigated the extent to which overweight and obesity have increased over time among food food and nutrition assistance recipients compared with nonrecipient groups. September 2007

Could Behavioral Economics Help Improve Diet Quality for Nutrition Assistance Program Participants?
The increasing presence of nontraditional grocery retailers such as supercenters is generating new cost-cutting and differentiation strategies among traditional food retailers. June 2007


Characteristics of Low-Income Households With Very Low Food Security: An Analysis of the USDA GPRA Food Security Indicator
ERS provides information on the composition, location, employment, education, and other characteristics of households that experienced very low food security. May 2007

Food Insecurity in Households With Children
Diets and eating patterns of American children are disrupted when their families cannot always afford enough food. July 2003

Reducing Food Insecurity in the United States: Assessing Progress Toward a National Objective
The Healthy People 2010 initiative (Health and Human Services Department) has a goal of reducing the prevalence rate of food insecurity in the U.S. by 2010 to 6 percent, half of the 1995 level of 12 percent. May 2002

ERS conducts a Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (FANRP) that addresses the research needs of USDA’s food assistance and nutrition programs—through internal research and through partnerships with other agencies and organizations.

See food assistance briefs

Food Industry and Markets Adobe pdf icon

The U.S. Organic Handling Sector in 2004
ERS surveyed certified organic manufacturers, processors, and distributors in the United States to collect information on basic characteristics of the sector, as well as its marketing and procurement practices. May 2008

Price Trends Are Similar for Fruits, Vegetables, and Snack Foods
Evidence suggest that a wide class of unprepared fresh fruits and vegetables—those that have not been combined with labor-saving attributes—display declining prices along with prices of commonly consumed dessert and snack foods. March 2008

The U.S. Food Marketing System: Recent Developments, 1997-2005
The increasing presence of nontraditional grocery retailers such as supercenters is generating new cost-cutting and differentiation strategies among traditional food retailers.
May 2007

Food Spending in American Households,

Using data from the most recent Consumer Expenditure Survey, ERS presents information on nationwide urban food expenditure patterns by select demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. March 2007

Cost Pass-Through in the U.S. Coffee Industry
ERS uses data from the coffee industry to examine to what extent changes in commodity costs affect manufacturer and retail prices. March 2007

The Changing Face of the U.S. Grain System
Specialty grains coming onto the market (e.g., fiber-enriched wheat) are requiring adjustments in the marketing system, including information documentation and management, in order to preserve their added value or prevent accidental commingling with standard grains. February 2007

The Impact of Big Box Stores on Retail Food Prices and the Consumer Price Index
Using ACNielsen Fresh Foods Homescan data, ERS investigates the impact of nontraditional retailers such as Wal-Mart and Costco on food prices for similar package sizes, focusing on dairy products and eggs. December 2006

Food Industry Mergers and Acquisitions Lead to Higher Labor Productivity
Analysis of eight major food processing industries suggests that mergers and acquisitions contributed to the general improvement in labor productivity over a 20-year period, echoing an earlier ERS study. October 2006

Effect of Food Industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Employment and Wages
Analysis of mergers and acquisitions in eight important food industries suggests that workers in acquired plants realized modest increases in employment and wages relative to other workers. Results also show that mergers and acquisitions reduced the likelihood of plant closures. The results are contrary to commonly held views on mergers. December 2005

Did the Mandatory Requirement Aid the Market? Impact of the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act
ERS focused on fed cattle markets in comparing the mandatory price reporting system developed by USDA in 2001 with the previous voluntary reporting system. The study evaluates whether the mandatory system has improved the amount and quality of information available to the market. September 2005

Greenhouse Tomatoes Change the Dynamics of the North American Fresh Tomato Industry
The North American greenhouse tomato industry has grown rapidly since the early 1990s and now plays a major role in the fresh tomato industry. ERS looked at consumption and price trends, competition from Mexico and Canada, and the rising industry’s effect on the entire fresh field tomato sector. April 2005

Structural Change in the Meat, Poultry, Dairy, and Grain Processing Industries
Consolidation and structural changes in the food industry have had profound impacts on firms, employees, and communities in many parts of the United States. In a 20-year period, eight major food industries saw the number of plants decline by about a third and their overall number of required employees drop by over 100,000 (20 percent). April 2005

Market Integration in the North American Hog Industries
A significant increase in U.S. hog imports from Canada over the last 15 years has resulted from structural changes in the U.S. hog industry and policy changes in Canada. November 2004

Supermarket Characteristics and Operating Costs in Low-Income Areas
Supermarkets serving low-income shoppers differ in several ways from other stores. But despite generally higher prices in low-income areas, the stores’ operating costs are not significantly different. December 2004

Pork Quality and the Role of Market Organization
Contract arrangements between pork producers and packers, which account for nearly 70 percent of hogs sold in 2004, can facilitate industry efforts to address quality issues. November 2004

Contracts, Markets, and Prices: Organizing the Production and Use of Agricultural Commodities
Demand for specific product attributes is making contracts the choice over traditional spot markets for many livestock commodities and some major crops--e.g., sugar beets, fruit, tomatoes. November 2004

How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?
Contrary to assumptions that fruits and vegetables are expensive, especially when purchased fresh, a consumer can meet daily recommendation of three servings of fruits and four servings of vegetables for 64 cents. November 2004

The Demand for Food Away from Home: Full-Service or Fast Food?
Population trends and rising incomes are expected to sustain growth in spending for food at full-service and fast food restaurants. January 2004

Food Manufacturing Productivity and Its Economic Implications
The food processing and beverage industry accounts for about one-sixth of U.S. manufacturing activity. Productivity growth in this materials-intensive sector has trailed manufacturing as a whole. November 2003

U.S. Fresh Produce Markets: Marketing Channels, Trade Practices, and Retail Pricing Behavior
Retail consolidation, technological change in production and marketing, and growing consumer demand have altered the traditional market relationships between producers, wholesalers, and retailers. September 2003

Food Safety Adobe pdf icon

Did BSE Announcements Reduce Beef Purchases?
ERS examines retail purchases of beef and beef products for evidence of response to the 2003 government announcements of finding cows infected with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). December 2006

Meat and Poultry Plants' Food Safety Investments: Survey Findings
A national survey of meat slaughter and processing plants indicates that market forces, in conjunction with regulation, have worked to promote the use of more sophisticated food safety technologies. May 2004


Food Safety Innovation in the United States: Evidence from the Meat Industry
Recent industry innovations improving the safety of the Nation's meat supply include new pathogen tests, high-tech equipment, supply chain management systems, and surveillance networks. April 2004

Traceability in the U.S. Food Supply: Economic Theory and Industry Studies
Traceability systems generate information on the flow of food and food products and aid in tracking food to its source. ERS examined the amount, type, and adequacy of traceability systems, focusing on fresh produce, grains and oilseeds, and cattle/beef. The report’s highlights are in a four-page brochure. March 2004

See also “Trade and international markets.”

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Updated date: August 12, 2008