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Export Requirements for Argentina
AR-21 (Jul 25, 2005)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible
    1. Fresh/Frozen pork and pork products
    2. Pork pancreas glands for pharmaceutical use
    3. Hog casings

    Note: Due to animal disease concerns, bone-in fresh/frozen pork can only be shipped to further processing establishments in Argentina. This restriction does not apply to cured and cooked bone-in pork products.
  2. Ineligible
    1. Products and by-products of bovine origin. References to beef are retained in the DOCUMENTATION and PLANTS ELIGIBLE TO EXPORT sections of these requirements for information but does not imply eligibility of the product.*
    2. Argentina prohibits the importation of fresh, chilled or frozen lamb and lamb offals from the U.S. due to scrapie disease.
    3. Beef sweetbreads
    4. Until further notice poultry and poultry products are ineligible for export to Argentina.  References to poultry are retained in the DOCUMENTATION and PLANTS ELIGIBLE TO EXPORT sections of these requirements for information but does not imply eligibility of the product.

Labeling Requirements

The National Service of Animal Health (SENASA) requires a Spanish translation of the U.S.D.A. labels for further processed meat and poultry products. These Spanish labels are to be in place on each box and unit upon entry into Argentina. Exporters are advised to contact their importer for assistance.

Documentation Requirements
  1. Certification Requirements
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5--Export Certificate of Wholesomeness.
    2. A Spanish translation of the export certificate and any additional certification statements must be provided at the point of entry.
  2. Additional Certification Statements--Beef
    The following statements must be made on a USDA/FSIS letterhead certificate:
    1. "The U.S. is free of the following diseases: Rinderpest, Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Rift Valley Fever, and BSE." ("En los Estados Unidos de América, no existen las siguientes enfermedades: peste bovina, fiebre aftosa, fiebre del Valle Rift ni encefalopat&eiacute;a espongiforme bovina (BSE)".
    2. "On the farm of Origin, and for a radius of 50 kilometers, there has been, during the 120 days prior to slaughter, no official confirmation of bacterial anthrax." (En la granja de origen y en un radio de 50 kilómetros, no ha ocurrido en los 120 dóas previosa la mantanza, ninguna confirmación oficial de la existencia de ántrax bacteriano".
    3. "The animals did not exhibit, either prior to slaughter or in the postmortem examination, any symptoms of infectious or parasitic diseases." ("Los animales no mostraron, antes de la matanza ni en el examen postmortem, sóntoma alguno de enfermedades infecciosas ni parasíticas".)
    4. "The product is fit for human consumption and complies with all USDA requirements." ("El producto es adecuado para consumo humano y cumple con los requisitos establecidos por el Ministerio de agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA)".)
    5. "The product was not irradiated.." ("El producto no ha sido irradoiado.")
    6. "Based on the results of a national random sampling program, it can be assumed that the product contains neither harmful residues of substances with a hormonal effect, which do not normally occur in meat, nor harmful residues of chemotherapeutics or any other residues included in the program in concentrations which exceed the maximum residue limit as applied in the U.S." ("Con base en los resultados del programa nacional de muestreo aleatorio, puede suponerse que el producto no contiene residuos dañinos de substancias con un efecto hormonal, que normalmente no ocurran en la carne, ni residuos dañinos de quimoterapéuticos ni ningún otro tipo de residuos incluidos en dicho programa en concentraciones tales que excedan el límite máximo de residuos permisible en los Estados Unidos".
  3. Additional Certification for fresh/frozen pork and pork products
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9370-1 (05/02/2001), Fresh Pork Meat Without Bone for Direct Consumption, or with Bone for Further Processing and Cured or Thermoprocessed Pork Products.
  4. Products Intended for Pharmaceutical Use
    1. Edible Beef/Pork Pancreas Glands
      1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-5.
      2. The shipping containers must be marked "For Pharmaceutical Use Only."
    2. Inedible Beef/Pork Pancreas Gland. Export certification of inedible products, other than technical animal fat (9 CFR 351) and certified pet food (9 CFR 355), is no longer provided by FSIS. Exporters should contact APHIS field offices to obtain information about certification of inedible products. A list of APHIS offices is available at https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20081015162233/http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/

      (PDF Only). See FSIS Notice 17-05 for additional information.*
    3. The shipping containers must be marked "For Pharmaceutical Use Only."
  5. Casings
    1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-7--Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-mortem and Post-mortem Inspection, and Fit for Human Food Statements.
    2. The following statement is to be typed in the "Remarks" section of FSIS form 9060-7:

      "The slaughtered animals did not have any signs or symptoms of contagious disease."

Other Requirements
  1.  Further Processed Products
    1. The following information must be provided in Spanish to the Government of Argentina through the importer in order for an import permit to be issued: Formulation (including percentage of all ingredients); chemical composition; processing procedures; thermal processing procedures; description of packaging system (identify the materials used) and copies of the Spanish labels.
  2. Raw, Unprocessed Products - Though an import permit is required for raw, unprocessed products, the requirement for submitting processing and packaging procedures does not apply.
  3. Pork and pork products - Conditions attested to on FSIS Form 9370-1 are met as follows:
    1. The requirement of holding pork for at least 48 hours after carcasses reach a pH of 6 may be met by holding pork for 60 hours in the cooler before freezing.
    2. The requirement regarding trichinae destruction is met by applying one of the methods specified in 9 CFR 318.10.
    3. The requirement for a residue control program equivalent to Argentina's program is met by the FSIS National Residue program.

Plants Eligible to Export
  1. Poultry.
    1. Exports of poultry intended for further processing in Argentina must originate from establishments on the approved plant list found in the FSIS Export Library. At this time, the Government of Argentina is not approving new establishments
    2. Exports of poultry prepared for direct public sale (retail) are eligible from any Federally inspected establishment.
    3. Poultry intended for pharmaceutical use can originate from any Federally inspected establishment.
  2. Beef and beef products are eligible from Federally inspected Establishment.
  3. Pork and pork products are eligible from Federally inspected Establishment.

AR-21 (Jul 25, 2005)



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