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US National Arboretum


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Donations -- Volunteering

Friends of the National Arboretum
Herb Society of America
National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Bonsai Foundation

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What's New at the Arboretum !!
Distinguished Lecture Series to Feature Rick Darke

Images from Rick Darke
You are cordially invited to a special lecture on Saturday, November 15, at 1:00 pm. The Friends of the Arboretum’s Distinguished Lecture Series will feature Rick Darke, a widely published author, photographer, and design consultant specializing in regional landscape design, planning, and conservation.

Rick’s unique multimedia presentation, Sustaining the Vision of the New American Garden, will cover his first association with the arboretum 30 years ago, and continue with the changes in gardening that have occurred since. Using global examples of progressive design, he will suggest what changes are ahead in the landscape, and in what direction gardens and design might evolve. Co-sponsored by the Friends of the National Arboretum. Fee $15 ($12 for FONA members). Registration is required.

For more information on Rick Darke and his work, see his web site here.

Images from Rick Darke

 Arboretum Virtual Tours 
   Whole Campus and Fern Valley,
Asian, Conifer and Bonsai Collections
Power Plants Garden   
Virtual Tour

Arboretum Plant Introductions
View plants developed by arboretum scientists and find one that's right for you!   

 Check out our new Research on 
 Tough Streetwise Urban Trees 
  A Classical Chinese Garden   
  at the U.S. National Arboretum.
Host Your Next Event at the Arboretum
A spring wedding in the Dogwood Collection, a private party on our terrace...and more!
Celebrate your next event here.


"Under The Arbor"
Chili Peppers

October 4th, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
National Herb Garden

Did you grow more peppers than you know what to do with? If you would like to learn new ways to use them, visit the National Herb Garden this Saturday. Members of the Tidewater Unit of the Herb Society of America will present a demonstration on a variety of ways to use all types of chili peppers, ranging from sweet to mild to scorching. While in the garden, you’ll see more than 100 varieties of peppers growing in a single bed, with fruits that provide a kaleidoscope of color in autumn. "Under the Arbor" is an informal, drop-in program held in the National Herb Garden. Free. No registration required.

Workshop for Kids:
Make a Viewing Stone Display in a Tray
viewing stone
Saturday, October 11th, 10:00am - 12:00pm
National Bonsai Museum

Learn all about the art of stone appreciation and create your own display to take home. All materials are provided. Limited enrollment, ages 8 – 14. Fee: $19. Registration is required

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Herb Society Herb Garden Book

Emerald Ash Borer Update

As we welcome in the spring season, it is a good time to review the battle to control the emerald ash borer in the United States, which is now in its sixth year. This introduced exotic pest has killed more that twenty five million trees (see image at left of trees in decline), and in spite of tens of millions of dollars spent on control measures, this insect is spreading to an ever widening area. The emerald ash borer will have a major impact in all locales where ash trees are dominate, either as landscape and street tree specimens or in native woodland populations.

This Asian beetle, beautifully iridescent green in color, was discovered in Michigan in 2002. It is believed to have been imported in wooden pallets and may have been undetected for more than ten years. By 2005, the emerald ash borer had spread to Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, with an isolated outbreak in Maryland. This pest continues to extend its range, now established in western Pennsylvania and most recently in Fayette County, West Virginia. While other ash boring insects seem to infect weak or dying trees, the emerald ash borer can infect large healthy trees, killing them within one to three years.    Read Full Story.

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Introductions Poster RESEARCH

New Arboretum Posters Highlight Introductions

With support from the Friends of the National Arboretum and design expertise from ARS’s Information Services Unit, the U.S. National Arboretum is pleased to unveil three new full-color posters featuring some of our best woody plant introductions.

One poster features our superior tree introductions, while a second one focuses on our most outstanding shrub cultivars. The third poster is devoted solely to our well-known crape myrtle introductions. These posters were designed to help inform growers, retailers, and the public about the results of our tree and shrub breeding programs.

The posters will be distributed to stakeholders primarily at trade shows and other industry functions, but are also available for viewing and printing from our website here.    Read Full Story

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United States National Arboretum
3501 New York Avenue, NE; Washington, D. C. 20002-1958
Tel: 202-245-2726    Fax: 202-245-4575

The U.S. National Arboretum is a division of the
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center of the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture

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Last Updated October 2, 2008 11:22 AM
