USDA Economic Research Service Data Sets
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Data Sets

Foodborne Illness Cost Calculator: Instructions

How to Use the Foodborne Illness Cost Calculator

Choose a pathogen from the Calculator home page, to get to the main pathogen page. The table on the pathogen page is the heart of the Calculator. Use this table as your central navigation point to make changes to the assumptions and calculate new cost estimates. All of your assumption changes are cumulative and will rebuild this table with estimates reflecting all your changes.

On the main pathogen page, you can:

  • Review the ERS estimates by cost component and by medical case outcome (severity level).

  • Examine the assumptions and calculations behind the ERS estimates:
    Per case assumptions and more assumption details and citations are available for each pathogen.
  • View the estimates in a pie chart showing the distribution by cost component, or in an outcome tree depicting the distribution of cases by medical severity level:
    Select the Pie chart or Tree diagram option at the top right corner of the Calculator.

  • Make changes to any of the ERS assumptions and calculate your own estimates:

How to Generate New Cost Estimates

You can change one or many assumptions to create new cost estimates. The Calculator will remember any changes you make. This means your new cost estimates could reflect many different assumption changes. A checked box will appear on your estimates table to help you remember which assumptions you changed.

(1) Provide your own case numbers/distributions:

From the pathogen cost estimates table, you can choose to make changes to the assumptions about case numbers and/or outcome distribution to generate new cost estimates.

On the pathogen case numbers page, you can:

  • Review the ERS case number and case outcome distribution assumptions.

  • Change the total number of cases per year. Choose among the ERS or the alternative assumptions, or enter your own in the space provided.

  • Change the outcome distribution (whether or not you decide to change the case numbers). Select the ERS assumption or choose to provide your own distribution in the space provided.

  • Choose "Calculate" to create new cost estimates using your assumptions.

(2) Enter your own medical and other costs:

From the pathogen cost estimates table, you can choose to make changes to medical and other cost assumptions and generate new cost estimates. The Calculator groups Salmonella cases into four severity levels (from least to most severe cases) and calculates costs for each level. Change assumptions for one or all of the cost components for one or all of the severity levels. To make changes to the cost assumptions for one of the severity levels, choose the "make changes" drop-down menu at the bottom right of the pathogen cost estimates table, and select a medical case outcome (severity level) to change a cost component.

Once on the pathogen severity-level page, you can make changes to the assumptions about medical utilization and costs, productivity losses, disutility costs, and/or costs of premature death. Just go to the assumption you would like to change and choose among the alternative assumptions provided or enter your own assumption in the right column of the table. Note that any item left unchanged will use the ERS assumption as the default.

You can change one or all of the assumptions about:

  • Average medication costs per case.

  • Average number per case of physician office visits, emergency room visits, outpatient clinic visits, and hospitalization (Severity 2, 3, and 4).

  • Average cost per case for a physician office visit, emergency room visit, outpatient clinic visit, and hospitalization (Severity 2, 3, and 4).

  • Average number of days lost from regular activity due to the illness (Severity 1, 2, and 3).

  • The population included in the productivity estimates. Choose to include only employed cases or all cases (Severity 1, 2, and 3).

  • Disutility costs for salmonellosis. ERS includes no costs for disutility, but you could choose to include values for pain and suffering, inconvenience, and time lost from regular activities (Severity 1, 2, and 3).

  • Costs of premature death (Severity 4 only). Choose among alternative assumptions or enter your own value.

To generate a new cost estimate for this severity level using your assumptions, click the "Calculate" button at the bottom right of the table.

Other Tips

How to analyze your cost estimates

On the Your Cost Estimates page, select "look behind the estimates " on the bottom left of the table, and then "Per case assumptions" to see the choices you made in preparing your estimates (such as case numbers, average number of visits per case, etc.). Use the "graph it" menu at the bottom center of the table to toggle between the table and a tree diagram or pie chart of your estimates. You might want to print the ERS estimates and print a view of your estimates to compare them side by side.

Compare ERS estimates with your estimates

ERS estimates are shown directly below your estimates

Start over

Press "Reset" on the Your Cost Estimates page to delete all your assumptions and restore the ERS default values.


Your changes are not saved when you end the session and exit the Foodborne Illness Cost Calculator.


For more information, contact: Paul Frenzen

Web administration:

Updated date: March 31, 2006