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U.S. Proposal for Global Agricultural Trade Reform

Summary of U.S. Proposal for
Trade Reform

World Trade Organization logo: six brush strokes alternating red, blue, and green

The U.S. proposal (July 2002) for the WTO agriculture negotiations fulfills the mandate for the Doha Development Agenda, in which WTO Members agreed to "comprehensive negotiations aimed at: substantial improvements in market access; reductions of, with a view to phasing out, all forms of export subsidies; and substantial reductions in trade-distorting domestic support." This proposal, which builds on the framework of the U.S. proposal from June 2000, specifies ambitious reform goals and reduction commitments.

The proposal outlines a two-phase process for trade reform. The first phase eliminates export subsidies and reduces worldwide tariffs and trade-distorting domestic support over a 5-year period. This would be accomplished by harmonizing tariffs and trade-distorting domestic support at substantially lower levels than what is currently allowed. The second phase is the eventual elimination of all tariffs and trade-distorting support by a date to be established in these negotiations.

The U.S. Proposal:

Key Elements of the U.S. Proposal:

Market Access

Domestic Support

Export Competition

Main Page: U.S. Proposal for Global Agricultural Trade Reform

Background on the current round of WTO negotiations


Last modified: Friday, November 18, 2005