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Emerging Markets Program (EMP) - Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee on Emerging Markets is comprised of representatives from the private sector experienced in agribusiness and management, and with interest and/or experience in exports and similar overseas operations.  The primary general mission of the Committee is to make recommendations on policies and programs which will enhance agricultural exports to emerging markets through the use of Emerging Markets Program authority.  Specifically, Committee members review from a business perspective qualified proposals submitted to the Program for funding assistance, principally from the private sector.  This review is done prior to obtaining policy level approval and funding commitments from the agency.  Committee reviews of proposals balance private sector perspectives with government views, an important consideration since the program emphasizes involvement by private industry. 

Mandated by the Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990 as amended by the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 and the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, the members operate under a federal charter and are appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture for 2‑year terms.

The Committee consists of up to 20 members from both private industry and academia representing a cross-section of the agricultural industry, and also of geographic and ethnic diversity.  Sectorial expertise among members encompasses fields such as agricultural policy and economics; banking and finance; marketing; production and processing of food and feed; livestock and genetics; farm cooperatives and agribusiness management; transport, storage and handling; and individual commodity expertise. 

Frequency of meetings varies, depending upon the issues to be considered and the range and importance of activities under consideration by FAS at any given time.  Meetings always stimulate dialogue between Committee members and FAS and USDA staff, and are a prerequisite to successful functioning of the Committee.  There is also regular communication between members and agency staff between formal sessions.  Needless to say, the Committee’s recommendations play an important role in the agency’s funding decisions.

List of Current Committee Members (.pdf)