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U.S.-Egypt Science and Technology Agreement

The Joint Board on Scientific and Technology Cooperation supports collaborative Research Grants, Junior Scientists Development Visit Grants, and Workshops that bring together American and Egyptian scientists under the U.S.-Egypt Science and Technology Agreement.

The goals of the Science and Technology Agreement are to strengthen the scientific and technological capabilities of the United States and Egypt, to broaden and expand relations between the extensive scientific and technological communities in both countries, and to promote scientific and technological cooperation in areas of mutual benefit for peaceful purposes. The activities of the Agreement are supported by a Joint Fund, which totals $3 million per year.

The Joint Board sponsors annual competitive Research Grants program, that support research projects carried out jointly by American and Egyptian scientists from universities, government laboratories, and private industry. Maximum grant awards are $60,000, to be shared between the American and Egyptian partners over a period of one to three years.

The Joint Board is offering a new grants program to support Junior Scientist Development Visits. These grants will fund visits by American scientists to Egyptian institutions, and Egyptian scientists to American institutions, for periods up to 6 months. To be eligible, applicants must have received his/her PhD within the past 10 years.

Program announcements with application materials, deadlines, priority areas for research grants, and contact information are available on the American Embassy-Egypt website.


Last modified: Tuesday, February 22, 2005