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Plant Health

Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) is a program within the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). PPQ safeguards agriculture and natural resources from the risks associated with the entry, establishment, or spread of animal and plant pests and noxious weeds to ensure an abundant, high-quality, and varied food supply.

Plant Pest Program Information
PPQ responds to many new introductions of plant pests to eradicate, suppress, or contain them through various programs in cooperation with state departments of agriculture and other government agencies. These may be emergency or longer term domestic programs that target a specific pest. This page lists a variety of insect, plant disease, mollusk, or weed programs with detailed information linked to each.

Pest Detection
The goal of PPQ’s pest detection program is to protect America’s agricultural and ecological resources by insuring the early detection of harmful or economically significant plant pest and weeds. View this page to learn more about this program.

Pest Identification
The National Identification Services coordinates the identification of plant pests in support of USDA’s regulatory programs. This page provides procedures and resources relating to the identification of plant pests of regulatory concern.

Plant Import and Export
PPQ serves to allow legitimate international and interstate trade while preventing the introduction of foreign plant pests. View this page to learn more about import and export requirements for live plants and plant products, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and certification information on solid wood packing material. Links to PPQ's electronic manuals are also available at this site. To learn about information related to what roles APHIS facilitates for Import and Export, click here.

Permits are required under specific USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Regulatory Authorities to import designated plants, plant products and soil into the U.S., transport designated plants and plant products through the U.S., import plant pests and biological control organisms into the U.S., and move plant pests and biological control organisms between States. View this page for more information about permitting.

Crop Biosecurity and Emergency Response
PPQ, the Federal response agency for plant health emergencies, develops and delivers strategic science-based regulatory programs designed to protect US crops and natural resources. View this page to learn about PPQ's infrastructure, programs, and activities that strive to deliver an effective systems approach to mitigate risks posed by select agents and regulated pests.

Safeguarding American Plant Resources
A Stakeholder Review of the APHIS-PPQ Safeguarding System.

PPQ Spotlights More - Spotlights

Citrus Image

Authorized Entry into the United States

Slices of citrus

Citrus Health Response Program
Protecting US citrus

Lacey Act

Lacey Act Amendment
Declaration requirements of the Lacey Act

  Light Brown Apple Moth

Light Brown Apple Moth
Learn more about this agricultural pest.


Last Modified: October 7, 2008