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Helping livestock and poultry producers understand the CAFO regulations that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released in 2003 will be a challenge for service agencies, Cooperative Extension personnel, and commodity associations during the next few years. The objective of this website is to provide resources that can help answer questions about the federal CAFO regulations. Because of the variation among states in the implementation of these federal rules, your state's environmental agency, Cooperative Extension program, or livestock commodity association may be able to provide additional information specific to your own state.


What are the CAFO Fact Sheets?

The CAFO Fact Sheets are a collection of 24 publications that address questions that educators and producers are most likely to have about what the CAFO regulations mean, how they will affect livestock and poultry production facilities, and what producers must do to comply with the regulations.


How do I get the Fact Sheets?

The CAFO Fact Sheets are available as MS Word files and PowerPoint slide presentations that you can download from the link below. For a one-time fee of $50, you may download the files and modify them to fit local, state, and regional needs. Follow the process from the link below to an order and download page. A credit card will be necessary to purchase the Fact Sheets from the website. For other information about purchasing access to the Word files, call MWPS at 800-562-3618.

By downloading and modifying the Word files and the PowerPoint presentations, you will be able to add information such as state contacts or implementation procedures and interpretations specific to your state. For the one-time fee, you will have continuing, unlimited access to the site on which the Word files and slide presentations are located. Commodity groups, service agencies, and individual Cooperative Extension programs are invited to develop and share ownership of modified Word versions and modified PowerPoint presentations of the Fact Sheets by adding their organization's logo and by recognizing the authors and other contributors to the modified versions. Sometime in the future, users of the Word files and PowerPoint slide presentations will be contacted for information about how they modified and used the original publications.




The CAFO Fact Sheets are accessible in final form as PDF files from the links below. Access to the Fact Sheets in PDF format is free. Clicking on one of the links below will take you to specific fact sheets related to the general topic in the link. You will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to read these files. It is available free from Adobe at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

General Information

Production Area

Land Application

Farm Bill and Financial Assistance

Who may use these materials?

Livestock and poultry producers along with educators providing information to producers are encouraged to access and use this information. Producers may find the free PDF files to be the more useful format and may choose to read the files on the site, print them from the site, or download them for future reference.

Those involved in producer and advisor education activities should find the PDF files, the Word files, and the PowerPoint slide presentations useful. Educators may decide to preview the Fact Sheets in PDF format and then purchase and download the easily modified Word files and PowerPoint presentations to be copied and customized for their own specific educational purposes.


Who prepared these materials?

A team of 15 land-grant university faculty and NRCS staff have collaborated to develop the Fact Sheets and to answer what they believe will be the most frequently asked questions about the 2003 CAFO regulations. The group that developed these sheets and the entire LPES Curriculum team are committed to sharing these educational resources on environmental topics related to animal production nationwide. The EPA Ag Center also has played a key role in ensuring the compatibility of these answers with the final CAFO rules. Al Sutton, Purdue University; Brent Auvermann, Texas A&M University; Rick Koelsch, University of Nebraska; and Frank Humenik, North Carolina State University, have provided leadership for developing the CAFO Fact Sheets.