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Register a Business

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A business or agency can request to appear on the TechReg “Find a Technical Service Provider” webpage. Listing the business on TechReg can have several advantages in terms of marketing technical services. Often, an established business name will be more familiar to the producer than the individual TSPs employed with the entity or, conversely, a new business will gain exposure through their TechReg listing. Either way, the individual TSP’s name will also appear on the Register, as well as the business name.
The following information will walk you through the steps to register a business on TechReg, add employees to the business registry, and change the official business contact on TechReg. If you have questions, please contact your State TSP Coordinator or the TSP Help Desk.
Who can register the business?
The individual who registers the business on TechReg must meet 2 criteria:

  1. The individual must have the authority to sign an agreement with USDA/NRCS. This my be the TSP, however, it is often the owner, CEO, CFO or other designated authority for the business. This official representative for the organization is not required to register as a TSP
  2. The individual must have access to the business tax id number
What resources do I need to register a business?
  1. Authority to sign official documents for the business
  2. Business Tax ID
  3. Photo ID
  4. Transportation to a NRCS Field Office
  5. Internet Access
  6. Email account
  7. Phone number
  8. eAuthentication ID and Password
  9. A secure location to store ID, password, and answers to security questions
Quick Facts
  1. The business does not need an eAuthentication account.
  2. Business verification procedures vary by State. Check with your State TSP Coordinator for details.
  3. The business is not visible on TechReg until at least one certified TSP is associated with the business and NRCS has verified the business.
  4. The TSP and the business will be individually listed on TechReg.
  5. Only the contact person may associate additional TSPs to the business.
  6. The business profile displayed on TechReg will provide contact information for the business and list all of the TSPs associated with the business. The certification categories and practices of all TSPs associated with the business are also listed on the business profile. Potential clients may view the associated TSP(s) profile, containing their individual qualifications, training, and certification categories, by clicking the “Resume” button found to the left of the TSPs name on the business profile.
  7. The individual profile displayed on TechReg will provide the TSP’s personal information, certified categories and practices, and will list the name of the business with which they are associated. A “Resume” button is available for the potential client view the business profile.
  8. If you are not planning to work as a TSP, complete only Section B of the TSP Profile, Part 1. You may then submit the application. The submit button is at the bottom of Part 2 of the TSP Profile.
  9. If you are planning to work as a TSP, you may complete the business registration at any time before or after you complete your personal TSP certification process. However, the business will not be listed on the TechReg registry until a certified TSP is associated with the business and NRCS has completed the business certification process.
  10. Contact your local NRCS office if you need to make a change to the business contact information or Section A on your personal TSP Profile; a phone call should be sufficient. This data is part of the SCIMS system and cannot be edited by you or the TechReg Help Desk.
1. Obtain an eAuthentication Account (Skip this step if you have an eAuth account)
  1. Register online at TechReg for a Level 2 eAuthentication Account
    1. STEP 1
      1. Create an ID and a temporary Password, using the guidelines found on the form. The Password must contain at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, and at least one non-alphabetical character. Store in a secure location. This password will be changed the first time that you log on to TechReg.
      2. Complete personal information, spelling your first, last and middle name exactly as it appears on your Photo ID.
      3. Create your 4 digit Pin number. You will need this information if you ever need to reset your account.
      4. Create your 6 security questions and answers. This information will be used to validate your identity if you forget your password. Each question can be used only once.
      5. Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
    2. STEP 2
      1. Verify the information on Page 2. Make corrections as needed.
      2. Print the page.
      3. Store in a secure location. This page contains your ID, Password, Pin number and security answers. You will need these if you ever need to reset your password.
    3. STEP 3
      1. Print the page and follow the instructions.
      2. Store in a secure location.
      3. An email will be sent to you within 1 hour. You must respond to the email within 7 days to complete the process.
2. Verification of ID
  1. Call your local NRCS office. Ask to speak to the Local Registration Authority (LRA). This is usually the District Conservationist
    1. STEP 1
      1. Make an appointment with the LRA.
      2. Take your photo ID, and the business Tax ID number, to your appointment at the NRCS office.
      3. If you are not currently a TSP, the NRCS LRA will verify your ID and then link your eAuthentication information to the Service Center Information Management System (SCIMS) account.
      4. The NRCS LRA will add a business record to SCIMS using your Tax ID number.
    2. STEP 2
      1. If you are not currently a TSP, you will receive an email telling you that you have successfully been added to the system. The email will contain the TSP number. This does not mean that you are now a TSP. You must complete the TSP Registration, Certification and Verification Process.
3. Complete TSP Business Registration Process
  1. Log on to TechReg
    1. STEP 1 (Skip this step if you have a valid TSP Password)
      1. Create a new password.
        1. Between 9 and 12 characters long. Passwords cannot contain the user’s first name, last name, or user id, dictionary words, spaces, tabs or special characters not listed below. Passwords must contain at least
          1. 1 uppercase letter
          2. 1 lower case letter
          3. 1 non-alpha character (!#-$%+=,~*)
    2. STEP 2
      1. Complete Section B, Associated Companies/Agencies, in your TSP Profile. (Section A is populated with information from SCIMS)
        1. Click on the “Business/Agency Profile” button found on the right hand side of the banner
        2. Click the “Add Business” button on the left hand side of the “Add Business/Agency” banner.
        3. A pop-up screen will ask that you confirm that you are the official representative for the business. Click ok.
        4. Complete the requested information in the “Update Business/Agency” window
        5. Read Certification Terms
        6. Click on “Accept the Agreement”
        7. Click “Agree.”
        8. Your business information will now be visible in Section A of this page (Business/Agency Profile) and Part 1,Section B of the TSP Profile.
    3. STEP 3 (Skip this step if the Contact is the sole TSP for the business)
      1. Add Employees
        1. Click on the “Update Employees” button found in Section A of the Business/Agency Profile.
        2. Identify employees from drop-down list. Click on employee name.
          1. Employees must be certified TSPs to be visible on this list.
        3. Use the arrows to move the employee(s) name into the column on the right hand side of the page.
        4. Click Save
        5. In Section A of the Business Profile, click on Sign Agreement
        6. Read Agreement
        7. Click on “Accept the Agreement”
        8. Process is complete
4. Changing the Business Representative
  1. SCENARIO 1 – The current official contact IS available to make changes to their TSP Profile
    1. The business determines who will be the new official contact
    2. The new contact:
      1. Completes the eAuthentication and verification process and is linked to SCIMS.
      2. Receives their TSP number via email.
    3. The current contact:
      1. Logs into TechReg.
      2. Clicks on “Business/Agency Profile” in Section B of the TSP Profile.
      3. Clicks on “Update Contact Info” in Section A of the Business/Agency Profile.
      4. Replaces current contact’s TSP number with new contact’s TSP number.
      5. 5. Click “Save"
    4. The process is complete