Association of State Dam Safety Officials
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
ASDSO is a non-profit organization of state and federal dam safety regulators, dam owners/operators, dam designers, manufacturers/suppliers, academia, contractors and others interested in dam safety. Our mission is to advance and improve the safety of dams by supporting the dam safety community and state dam safety programs, raising awareness, facilitating cooperation, providing a forum for the exchange of information, representing dam safety interests before governments, providing outreach programs, and creating a unified community of dam safety advocates.
Latest News
10/1/08 - Training Announcements - NEW! Request for Proposals on Structural Behavior Monitoring for Dam Safety advanced seminar. Register now for Slope Stability for Embankment Dams seminar, October 21-24 in Salt Lake City; or the Conduits, Valves & Gates seminar on November 5-7 in White Plains, NY and on December 2-4 in Atlanta, GA. more
9/30/08 - Latest Dam Safety News - Chertoff chides political leaders for state of infrastructure…National Academies report to highlight maintenance…Native American ancestral lands threatened by proposed Shasta Dam raise…Okeechobee sees fastest one-week rise on record…Incident at Hebgen Lake…Michigan dam failure… Vultures at root of Amistad Dam scare more
September 2008 - Legislative Alert: Tell Your Senator to Vote for HR3224 - The National Dam Rehabilitation and Repair Act which would provide $200 million over five years to repair state and locally owned dams, was passed by the Senate Enviroment and Public Works Committee on Sept. 17. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONTACT YOUR SENATOR AND ASK HIM/HER TO VOTE FOR HR 3224 AS PART OF THE UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGENDA. more
8/29/08 - ASDSO Annual Report Ready for Download - ASDSO members can download the Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Report now. Go to Members Only. more
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