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Data Sets
USDA ERS Data Set Catalog Listing: Food Sector

 Food Sector


Commodity and Food Elasticities
The Commodity and Food Elasticities Database is a collection of elasticities from research on consumer demand published in working papers, dissertations, and peer-reviewed journals and as presented at professional conferences in the United States. Most of the literature is from U.S. academic and government research. The database allows queriable searches of income, expenditure, and own- and cross-price elasticities for specific commodities and countries, which can be ranked and sorted. The most fully covered countries are the United States and China, and the greatest number of demand studies are for vegetables, fruits, and grocery products such as coffee and ketchup.
10/5/2007 9:00:00 AM

Eating and Health Module (ATUS)
The Eating & Health (EH) Module of the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) collects data to analyze relationships among time use patterns and eating patterns, nutrition, and obesity; food and nutrition assistance programs; and grocery shopping and meal preparation. This data set can be used to measure where, when, and how long Americans eat, and also with whom they are eating. Estimates, analysis, and microdata files are available.
5/21/2008 9:00:00 AM

Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System
Per capita food availability data compiled by USDA's Economic Research Service reflect the amount of food available for human consumption in the United States. This historical series measures the national food supply of several hundred foods, and it is the only source of time series data on food availability in the country.
3/16/2007 10:00:00 AM

Food Security Status File: Survey of Program Dynamics
The Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD) Food Security Status Files contain summary food security status information for households interviewed in the SPD in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. Each file matches to the corresponding year's SPD data file at the household level. The SPD data files contain information on demographic and social characteristics for each member of interviewed households as well as data on all sources of income and assistance received from public assistance programs.
1/23/2006 3:50:00 PM

How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?
In this data product, ERS has calculated total pounds or pints purchased at retail, total dollars spent, average retail price, serving size, servings per pound or pint, and dollars per serving for each form of 57 fruits and vegetables. This collection of spreadsheets contain all the data used in the report and are presented to show exactly how ERS arrived at the costs per serving figures. Each table also includes a short narrative that complements the statistics for each fruit and vegetable, detailing the nutritional benefits of each fruit and vegetable and divulging little known facts (or trivia) as well. This information should provide users with a clearer understanding of the costs of produce, the nutrient density of most fruits and vegetables, and their contributions to a healthy diet.
8/6/2004 3:00:00 PM

Meat Price Spreads
This data set provides monthly average price values, and the differences among those values, at the farm, wholesale, and retail stages of the production and marketing chain for selected cuts of beef, pork, and broilers. In addition, retail prices are provided for beef and pork cuts, turkey, whole chickens, eggs, and dairy products.
9/16/2008 10:00:00 AM

Price Spreads from Farm to Consumer
ERS compares the prices paid by consumers for food with the prices received by farmers for their corresponding commodities. This data product has 2 components: (1) the marketing bill provides a composite estimate of the value added to agricultural products by the food marketing system for all types of food, and (2) at-home foods by commodity group compares farm and retail prices for foods belonging to each of several commodity groups.
8/24/2007 8:00:00 AM

Retail Scanner Prices for Meat
Average monthly weighted retail price data for selected cuts of red meat and poultry based on electronic supermarket scanner data. While not based on a random sample, the raw data underlying the database are from supermarkets across the United States that account for approximately 20 percent of U.S. supermarket sales. This data set supplements similar data supplied by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Currently, BLS data are used to derive ERS published price spreads from farm to retail.
12/20/2004 4:00:00 PM

U.S. Fertilizer Use and Price
This product brings together 1960-2006 data on fertilizer consumption in the United States by plant nutrient and major selected product, as well as consumption of mixed fertilizers, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients. Share of crop area receiving fertilizer and fertilizer use per receiving acre, by nutrient, are presented for the major producing States for corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat. Additional data include fertilizer farm prices and indices of wholesale fertilizer price.
10/5/2007 9:30:00 AM

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