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Data and Statistics
County Data Release Schedule

When Does NASS Publish the Annual County Data?

The County Data are prepared beginning after the publication of the Crop Production Summary in January. The State totals for some commodities are finalized and published in the Crop Production (April, May and June) and other reports. We expect data for all States to be loaded on the "anticipated date." However, due to unforeseen circumstances, some States may not meet the schedule. Therefore, the All States Available column will be completed when all data are available.

The 2008 Release Schedule for the Preliminary 2007 County Crop Estimates
Anticipated Release
All States Available
February 15
Feb.15 except KY, IL, UT, NM: NM & UT available on Feb.20, IL on Mar.5, KY on Mar. 13  

Durum Wheat

February 15
February 15 
February 15
February 15 
February 15
Feb. 15 except KY, IL, UT, NM; NM & UT available on Feb. 20, IL on Mar. 5, KY on Mar. 13  
February 15
February 15 
February 15
February 15 
February 15
February 15 
March 3
Mar. 6, except AL & CO; AL available on Mar. 11, CO on Mar. 7  

Sunflower, All, Non-Oil & Oil

March 3
March 6  
March 6*
Mar. 6 except PA
PA available on Mar. 11  
March 6*
March 6 
March 14
March 14  
All Hay, Alfalfa & Other (IL, MD, MN, MT, NE, PA, WI, WY)
April 18
April 18 except PA; PA available on May 15  
Forage - All, Alfalfa (PA, WI)
April 18
April 18 except PA; PA available on May 15  
Dry Edible Peas
April 16
April 16  
April 16
April 16
May 13
 May 13
June 5
June 5
Burley & Flue-Cured
June 5
June 20, 3:00 ET
All Dry Edible Beans
June 30
All Hay, Alfalfa & Other (All Other States)
June 30
Sugarcane for Sugar
June 30
June 30
Process Vegetables
   (Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Snap Beans & Green Peas)
June 30
Sweet Potatoes
June 30
September 26
Apple Production
September 26
September 26

*Preliminary Estimates for Corn and Soybean County Estimates will be available for Iowa and Illinois on Feb. 15, for Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota and Ohio on February 28, and for Pennsylvania on February 29. Final Estimates for these states will be available on Quick Stats March 6 at 3:00 p.m. ET.

The 2008 release schedule for
December 1, 2007 Hogs and Chickens,
and January 1, 2008 Cattle and Sheep county data, and revised previous year.
Anticipated Release Date
All States Available
Cattle & Calves
May 22
Milk Production
August 7
Hogs & Pigs
August 7
Sheep & Lambs
August 7
August 7
Egg Production
August 7
August 7


Last modified: 07/30/08

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