
AT needed

  1. ltaylor
  2. toetype
  3. ltaylor

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Top 1.   Jun 29, 1999 11:47 AM

» ltaylor - The need for AT...

The need for AT in the public school system is unbelievable! AT is a field that I have chosen to dedicate my career towards and would like feedback from others in my position as well as those who have already paid thier dues! I have a BA in speech and hearing sciences and presently looking into a MA in special educ/early childhood. Will this educational background allow me to work as an AT professional? And, is the need out there for such services? All comments are welcome and appreciated! ltaylor

-- posted by ltaylor

Top 2.   Jul 1, 1999 8:34 PM

» toetype - Need for AT


You view of the need for AT in schools in on target with my experience and research. The problem does not have a simple solution. Teachers lack time to
learn, lack time to set-up technology with so many other students needing attention, and some just do not want deal with it. Schools lack the understanding of the need and power of AT for students with disabilities, but they are also pinched to find funds in already tight budgets.

You would be a great team member if you went into early childhood special education, or you could still make an impact as an SLP. You have the most important characteristics-- interest and enthusiasm. Be careful when looking into a grad. program, not many programs have courses in AT. I will compile a list of schools that do and post them in a future article.

If you want to discuss more, just reply here or email me.


-- posted by toetype

Top 3.   Jul 3, 1999 10:33 AM

» ltaylor - at needed

I agree that there is not a simple solution. However, I have worked in the public school system as a speech therapist for 3 years and have seen the results AT can make in the life of special needs children! I have chosen to attain a master's degree in special education/early childhood. After competion of the program I plan to work toward an Ed.s in Assistive Technology. There is a program offered by the University in Lexington, KY. If you have additional resources please let me know! I am interested in any programs, trainings, etc. that can broaden my knowledge of AT! Thanks for your reply! lori

-- posted by ltaylor

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