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The recent surge in agricultural biotechnology has affected food and feed markets both domestically and internationally. ERS research includes the costs of market segregation for biotech and nonbiotech soybeans and corn, the ramifications of differing consumer preferences and national biotech policies on trade flows, the role of the Government in facilitating market differentiation, and the economics of food. ERS also examines consumer attitudes toward biotechnology and the role of consumer preferences in shaping market trends.


The First Decade of Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States—Ten years after the first generation of genetically engineered (GE) crops became commercially available in the U.S. the adoption of GE corn, soybean, and cotton has increased rapidly. Plantings were driven by farmers' expectations of higher yields, savings in management time, and lower pesticide costs. Despite these benefits, environmental and consumer concerns may have limited acceptance of GE crops, particularly in Europe.

Consumers and the Future of Biotech Foods in the United States—Biotechnology is often associated with promise-promise to feed the world, promise to reduce environmental harm, promise to expand agricultural markets and production possibilities, and promise to create products that consumers desire. Farmers in the United States seem to be sold on these promises. But are American consumers sold?

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