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Programs and Opportunities
Unified Export Strategy

Information at this web-site will assist you in preparing and submitting recommendations and requests for funding assistance under programs administered by the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), U.S. Department of Agriculture. Program recommendations and funding requests may be submitted by completing the Unified Export Strategy (UES) application. All applications must be received in FAS by 5:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time, on the date published in the Federal Register.

Organizations may submit applications directly to FAS through specially designed data entry screens at the UES application Internet site identified in step 2, below. FAS highly recommends applying via that Internet site. It will virtually eliminate paperwork and enable FAS to expedite its processing and review of applications. Also, by using that site, organizations which submitted UES applications last year will not need to enter certain historical information, as it will appear automatically in the data entry screens. Follow these steps to prepare and submit your applications over the Internet:

1. Using your Internet browser, go to URL address:

2. Using your mouse, select the Unified Export Strategy Application icon and click on it.

3. The title screen for the application will appear. Enter your ID and password in the appropriate boxes and click the "View Application" button. You should now be able to access the application instructions and begin completing your UES application over the Internet. Your ID and password is the same as last year. New applicants must contact MOS and obtain an ID and password.

If you need assistance, or experience any difficulty in using the UES application Internet site, please contact the Program Policy Staff at (202) 720-4327.

For more information: For more information on the Unified Export Strategy, contact the Program Policy Staff , stop 1042, USDA, Washington DC 20250-1042 -- (202) 720-4327 FAX (202) 720-9361