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You are here: Home / Librarians / BooleanCUBE

Better access to information can mean providing better functionality for Web tools, such as online public access catalogs (OPACs) and databases. NAL is providing this custom search form, BooleanCUBE (Boolean Canned URL-Based Experience), for Endeavor Voyager OPACs.


BooleanCUBE's Benefits
BooleanCUBE adds valuable functionality to your searches in Endeavor Voyager databases, such as the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA). Working with BooleanCUBE, you can perform complex searches using Boolean logic, nesting, field specific searching, and optional limits including dates, language, media type, document type, and location.

Searches using BooleanCUBE generate permanent URLs that can be saved and reused at a later time. Since the URLs run dynamically, these searches will continue to provide access to any new items that match your strategy.

BooleanCUBE includes a character counter and other helpful features. Over 380 characters are allowed in each search so you can build complex Boolean strategies, while using the character counter to monitor the character limit. Buttons are available for entering search parameters and tidying your code automatically. Also, the BooleanCUBE form is set to retain your search until cleared, so toggling between search results and the search form makes adjusting strategies and database-switching easy.

Extensible to Your Voyager System
BooleanCUBE translates strategies for NAL's Endeavor Voyager OPAC system and should be compatible with other Endeavor OPACs with minor adjustments. For these purposes, see the Download section of this page.

And It's Free
BooleanCUBE is being made available for download through the National Agricultural Library, part of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Please send email to NAL's , or contact by telephone at 301-504-5755.

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Download Version 1.2

An updated version of BooleanCUBE was released in October 2006. As of Version 5.0 of Voyager, the character limit for a search query is 383 characters, and this change has been reflected in the new version of BooleanCUBE.

BooleanCUBE for Voyager OPACs
BooleanCUBE is useful for people interested in providing an advanced search form for an Endeavor Voyager database. For local use, your version of BooleanCUBE may be located on your desktop or as a shared network file. Some systems administrators may want to adapt BooleanCUBE for use as an advanced search form for use by patrons of their own Voyager OPAC.

The README file for BooleanCUBE gives a limited set of instructions on how to set up BooleanCUBE for your library. Please review the instructions contained in the README file prior to downloading BooleanCUBE.

Voyager System Compatibility
While most Endeavor Voyager (OPAC) systems will likely be compatible with BooleanCUBE, it will need minor adjustments. Please be aware that no extended assistance can be provided regarding set-up or installation.

By downloading this product, you are accepting the guidelines provided in the disclaimer.

I accept the disclaimer.

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This tool was designed and developed by Rachel Maderik, with assistance from Stuart Gagnon, at NAL's Water Quality Information Center. Special thanks go to Joe Makuch, coordinator of the center. The terms "Voyager" and "WebVoyage" are the property of Endeavor Information Systems, Inc., which in no way endorses this product.

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Last Modified: Friday, 13-Jun-2008 10:45:31 EDT

See Also
    BooleanCUBE at NAL
    How to Use BooleanCUBE
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