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- What's New - Online North American Environmental Atlas Launched The CEC is an organization created by Canada, Mexico and the United
States under the North
American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. The Commission
was established to address regional environmental concerns, to
help prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts, and to
promote the effective enforcement of environmental law. New Framework Map Layers in Work Moving to a scale of 1:1,000,000 offers important advantages to users of the National Atlas. The most apparent of these is that our basic maps will be more detailed. We will be |
able to map and include more information about the United States than we’ve offered in the past. For those interested in our nation’s streams, lakes, and ponds, we are pleased to announce that our new surface waters map layer is a generalization of the 1:100,000-scale National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). We intend to offer a fully networked version of this map layer that includes flow direction and all other advantages of the NHD. A third benefit of mapping at 1:1,000,000-scale is that the National Atlas of the United States® can fully support the creation of the Global Map. This is an effort by national mapping organizations around the world to produce standard maps that cover the globe. Another potential advantage of mapping at this larger scale relates to the North American Atlas described earlier. Since we started this work in 2004, we have made maps and data at a scale of 1:10,000,000. Atlas programs in Canada and Mexico produce frameworks at 1:1,000,000-scale and we now have the potential to work with our southern and northern partners to produce an integrated set of frameworks for the entire continent at this larger scale. At present, we are working on tightly integrating these new map layers. We intend to release them all in 2009. Some provisional map layers are already available from the Global Map.
October 2008 |
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