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Spooky Space 'Sounds'
Jack o lantern
Soaring to the depths of our universe, gallant spacecraft roam the cosmos, snapping images of celestial wonders. Some spacecraft have instruments capable of capturing radio emissions. When scientists convert these to sound waves, the results are eerie to hear. In time for Halloween, we've put together a compilation of elusive "sounds" of howling planets and whistling helium that is sure to make your skin crawl.

Click with caution.
Jupiter as seen by Cassini
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Hear intriguing radio waves that NASA's Cassini spacecraft collected near Jupiter in January 2001.
Listen closely to hear ghostly planetary plasma waves collected by NASA's Voyager 2.
crescent of a planet
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Click to listen
If you're squeamish, you may not want to listen to the strange whistle of ultra-cold liquid helium-3 that changes volume relative to the North Pole and Earth's rotation.
And beware the weird radio emissions Galileo gathered from Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede.
First 20 seconds are silent.
Click to listen

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory