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Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Report
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What's New in This Report

Report Chapters

Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Methane Emissions
Nitrous Oxide Emissions
High-GWP Gases
Land-Use Emissions
New in This Report

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This year’s report is the first in a new, shorter format that focuses on inventory data and a summary of trends for each source category.

For combustion-related carbon dioxide emissions the partial combustion factor has been removed for all fossil fuels and sectors. This is in keeping with new international guidelines. Unless the carbon is consciously sequestered it is likely to oxidize over the next 100 years.

This is the first annual EIA emissions inventory that directly incorporates estimates of methane emissions from industrial wastewater treatment.

Whereas past inventories included chaparral ecosystems in California, much of that land fails to meet the definition of forest land and, consequently, has been removed from the estimates. As a result, the forest carbon stock estimates for California are lower than those in previous inventories, especially in the earlier years.


Report Chapters

Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Methane Emissions
Nitrous Oxide Emissions
High-GWP Gases
Land-Use Emissions
New in This Report

Latest Documentation