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Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State
Table 4.6.B.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly

Table 4.6.B. Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date through June 2008 and 2007
(Thousand Tons)
Census Division and State
Total (All Sectors)
Electric Power Sector
Commercial Sector
Industrial Sector
Electric Utilities
Independent Power Producers
2008 2007 Percent Change 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
New England 4,072 4,357 -6.6 760 753 3,242 3,534 -- -- 69 71
Connecticut 1,001 1,068 -6.3 -- -- 1,001 1,068 -- -- -- --
Maine 154 141 9.1 -- -- 84 70 -- -- 69 71
Massachusetts 2,157 2,429 -11.2 -- 33 2,157 2,395 -- -- -- --
New Hampshire 760 720 5.6 760 720 -- -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Vermont -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Middle Atlantic 38,700 34,279 12.9 199 536 37,682 32,892 -- -- 819 851
New Jersey 2,246 2,094 7.3 112 295 2,134 1,799 -- -- -- --
New York 4,366 5,094 -14.3 86 241 4,034 4,589 -- -- 246 264
Pennsylvania 32,088 27,091 18.4 -- -- 31,514 26,503 -- -- 574 588
East North Central 112,628 119,130 -5.5 75,066 80,806 35,491 36,149 126 183 1,945 1,992
Illinois 27,307 27,419 -0.4 791 2,689 25,048 23,240 36 49 1,432 1,440
Indiana 27,999 30,532 -8.3 25,892 28,363 2,107 2,169 -- -- -- --
Michigan 16,743 18,372 -8.9 16,523 18,101 54 51 91 134 76 86
Ohio 28,809 31,889 -9.7 20,376 21,056 8,270 10,677 -- -- 163 155
Wisconsin 11,770 10,918 7.8 11,484 10,597 12 11 -- -- 274 311
West North Central 74,548 72,659 2.6 73,675 71,814 -- -- 89 87 784 758
Iowa 13,209 10,081 31 12,668 9,515 -- -- -- -- 541 566
Kansas 10,968 12,060 -9.1 10,968 12,060 -- -- -- -- -- --
Minnesota 8,366 9,653 -13.3 8,123 9,461 -- -- -- -- 243 192
Missouri 21,510 22,298 -3.5 21,421 22,210 -- -- 89 87 -- --
Nebraska 7,072 5,612 26 7,072 5,612 -- -- -- -- -- --
North Dakota 12,129 12,122 0.1 12,129 12,122 -- -- -- -- -- --
South Dakota 1,294 833 55.3 1,294 833 -- -- -- -- -- --
South Atlantic 90,862 98,332 -7.6 75,007 82,379 14,350 14,710 -- -- 1,505 1,243
Delaware 1,122 1,244 -9.8 -- -- 1,122 1,244 -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Florida 15,844 18,179 -12.8 14,644 16,828 1,082 1,232 -- -- 118 118
Georgia 19,606 20,959 -6.5 19,174 20,584 -- -- -- -- 432 375
Maryland 5,638 5,787 -2.6 -- -- 5,424 5,787 -- -- 214 --
North Carolina 15,039 16,559 -9.2 14,113 15,620 645 646 -- -- 281 293
South Carolina 7,901 9,197 -14.1 7,749 9,010 -- -- -- -- 152 187
Virginia 6,999 7,138 -2 5,634 5,679 1,258 1,366 -- -- 107 93
West Virginia 18,713 19,270 -2.9 13,693 14,659 4,819 4,435 -- -- 201 176
East South Central 56,686 63,066 -10.1 52,294 58,511 3,513 3,713 -- -- 879 841
Alabama 17,531 18,834 -6.9 17,442 18,751 -- -- -- -- 89 83
Kentucky 19,859 20,141 -1.4 18,002 18,157 1,856 1,984 -- -- -- --
Mississippi 4,931 5,271 -6.4 3,275 3,542 1,656 1,729 -- -- -- --
Tennessee 14,364 18,819 -23.7 13,574 18,061 -- -- -- -- 790 758
West South Central 76,426 76,487 -0.1 42,039 39,901 34,126 36,319 -- -- 260 267
Arkansas 7,539 7,624 -1.1 7,539 7,624 -- -- -- -- -- --
Louisiana 8,151 7,912 3 4,310 3,561 3,842 4,352 -- -- -- --
Oklahoma 12,189 11,015 10.7 11,251 10,029 678 719 -- -- 260 267
Texas 48,546 49,936 -2.8 18,940 18,688 29,606 31,248 -- -- -- --
Mountain 56,520 56,959 -0.8 49,847 53,953 6,212 2,580 -- -- 461 426
Arizona 10,492 10,906 -3.8 10,281 10,701 -- -- -- -- 211 205
Colorado 9,277 9,898 -6.3 9,277 9,898 -- -- -- -- -- --
Idaho -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Montana 5,685 5,405 5.2 165 3,273 5,519 2,132 -- -- -- --
Nevada 1,563 1,506 3.8 1,563 1,506 -- -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico 7,016 7,472 -6.1 7,016 7,472 -- -- -- -- -- --
Utah 9,306 9,095 2.3 8,814 8,681 241 193 -- -- 251 221
Wyoming 13,181 12,677 4 12,730 12,423 451 255 -- -- -- --
Pacific Contiguous 4,954 3,451 43.5 1,230 827 3,305 2,381 -- -- 419 244
California 748 502 49 -- -- 395 303 -- -- 353 199
Oregon 1,230 827 48.8 1,230 827 -- -- -- -- -- --
Washington 2,976 2,123 40.2 -- -- 2,910 2,078 -- -- 66 45
Pacific Noncontiguous 116 354 -67.3 -- -- 116 354 -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii 116 354 -67.3 -- -- 116 354 -- -- -- --
U.S. Total 515,511 529,377 -2.6 370,116 389,782 138,037 132,631 215 270 7,143 6,693
  Notes: Due to different reporting requirements between the Form EIA-923 and historical FERC Form 423, the receipts data from 2008 and on are not directly comparable to prior years.  For more information, please see the Technical Notes in Appendix C. See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2007 and 2008 are preliminary.  Values for January through July 2007 are revised. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Coal includes anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, waste coal, and coal synfuel.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.;" Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report," replaced the following: Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;"  Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."

More Tables on Receipts, Cost and Quality:
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 4.6. Receipts and Quality of Coal Delivered for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.5. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.7. Average Quality of Fossil Fuels Burned by the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.1. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Total (All Sectors) html   xls
Table 4.2. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Electric Utilities, html   xls
Table 4.3. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 4.4. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Commercial Sector html   xls
Table 4.5. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Industrial Sector html   xls
Table 4.6.a. Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.7.a. Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.7.b. Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.8.a. Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.8.b. Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.9.a. Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.9.b. Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.10.a. Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.10.b. Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.11.a. Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.11.b. Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.12.a. Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.12.b. Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.13.a. Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.13.b. Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.14. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Total (All Sectors) by State html   xls
Table 4.15. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Electric Utilities by State html   xls
Table 4.16. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Independent Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.17. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.18. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (Form EIA-423)   DBF
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (FERC Form No. 423)   DBF

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics